Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Practice Develop Communication Competency -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Practice Develop Communication Competency? Answer: Introduction Thus assessment has been carried out to show how different diagnostic tools and feedback can be utilized for identification of two major areas of personal capacity which have to be improved. This way, this assessment would be utilised for increasing the effectiveness of communication. It can be highly tough to communicate efficiently. However, to be successful in personal and professional areas, one has to be capable to communicate efficiently. By learning the skills of effective communication, one can learn the ways to communicate own ideas evidently and successfully. Communication helps to understand the whole of the information that is expressed to him. Self-analysis has been carried out for the communication style by use of different tools which have been discussed as below. Diagnosis and Reflection The firsttest testwas carried out was for the listening skills. Listening is very critical part of effectivecommunication thereforethere are several training programs and instructions given to the employees for effective listening (Thomas, 2012). For such assessment the tool used is known as Willingness to listen Diagnostic tool In case anybody is not a goodlistener thenitis important that those skills are inculcated through external training and guidance (Mordaunt and Olson, 2010). Thescore for the instrumentthat has been utilized for checking the listening skills and thecapabilities have to be more than 85%.My scores showed that I have high willingness to listen to others. The other tool thathasbeen applied is the talkaholicscale whichwas utilized for measuring the compulsive communication (McCroskey and Richmond, 1991). In thisanalysisI scored 41points andit is important that the score must be between 10 and 50. Since my score is beyond41 thereforeI believe I am a compulsive communicator. The talkaholic scale is the approach of assessing the relation among the way and prevention of communication activities, which can be assessed as a thoughts/behaviour relation. The method could be sourced by building a positive attitude for communication. Besides, some persons might perceive communication to be the entertaining act. In contrast, it is feasible that compulsive talkers may be extremely different types of individuals, with very diverse motivations, proficiencies, and mind-sets (McCroskey and Richmond, 1993). Finally, it is feasible that talkers are the creation of a mixture of a lot of these diverse aspects. The third tool is Personal Report of Intercultural Communication Apprehension (PRICA), for dealing with the communication uneasiness in the intercultural situation. For this the score has been 27, and the same shows low intercultural communication apprehension. The intercultural communication apprehension and communicative adaptability were assessed to find out cultural and ethnic dissimilarities. This anxiety is low which means that there is lesser terror and anxiety of citizens who are or might be in the phase of communicating with an individual or populace with diverse culture (Richmond, Wrench and McCroskey, 2013). Intercultural communication anxiety might appear or boost in some of the cases. Individuals with lownervousness feel themselves in a certain condition as throughout the intercultural communication procedure, even though the individual or condition they come across is new and diverse; therefore, it doesnt lead their anxiety levels to boost further (Croucher, 2013). Low intercultural communication anxiety means that the person in the intercultural communication media is competent of understanding the culture dissimilar from his; he might be not as much introverted and thereforeexperience less communication fear. The fourth Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety (PRPSA) shows the level of anxiety while I speak in public. Even though its not very low, still its at a moderate level. I scored 85 points that isothere is almost no fear of speaking in the public. Its beneficial for me as I am very much relaxed while giving speech and there is clarity of thoughts also (Chinese International Studentsa? Intercultural Communication Competence and Intercultural Communication Apprehension in the USA, 2012). The fifth tool that I have used is the Non verbal Immediacy Scale-Self report (NIS-S), which shows the positive signals that I show to other people. This tool is highly dependable because it has variety of diverse elements. The score is 88, which means it is totally moderate, neither high nor low. Improvement of communication skills has been something that I have been continuously doing from a long time thatis whenI was inearly yearsof my life. I have continuouslybeenmy own critic and I generally pay attention to the interpersonal communication skills. Even though I have learnt a lot through continuous improvements yet there are two issues which are to be resolved- empathic listening and reflection. By looking at the results of different tools, it is also suggested that empathic listening is inculcated into the active listening. It is an approach wherein the listening and responding to any other individual makes the mutual understanding to be better and improve the trust level. It is an important skill because the listener receives and rightly interprets the message of the speaker and then gives a suitable answer (Blte et al., 2009). The respondent is essential for the listening procedure and it is also suggested that empathy is made part of listening. This empathic listening is useful for building trust and respect and it allows the speaker to set of their emotions. This helps in reduction of the tensions and makes a clear base for giving out information. The empathic listening makes a safe environment that is useful for resolving any issue in a collaborative way. By use of empathic listening, it is not referred to as the active or reflective listening rather it is listening with intention to understand. It is seeking initially to understand the other person and is completely unique paradigm (Raina and Zameer, 2016). By empathy the listener can go inside any other individuals mind frame and can have the perception of the other person, understanding their paradigm and understanding how they feel. The other issue is of reflecting that is the procedure of paraphrasing and making the statement of the feelings in words of the speaker. I think it is important to reflect the verbal message of the speaker so that it is made clear that the emotions and feelings all understood in the same manner as they were communicated Literature review There are different tools for assessing the communication skills and five of those have been utilized. These are the realistic tools which have allowed me to find out how and where the breakdowns in communication might take place. By self-assessment I can easily make adjustments in my communication style. If one wishes to be a skilled communicator, then it is necessary to beefficient at every point in the communication procedure from "sender" through to "receiver" and onehas to be comfortable with the various channels of communication in person, voice to voice, on paper, etc. Poor communicators generally need to put in extra efforts to develop their careers ahead of a particular point. Interpersonal communication skills involve both the personal and professional communicationskills.The accumulated skills allow any individual to communicate in an optimistic way and work effectively with other people. With a corporate situation, the importance of developing interpersonal skills is known and thusthe leaders become aware of how our content deals with the business issues in a constructive way. The communication skills are required for interacting with each other so these skills are both verbal as well as written communication casualties. These capabilities allow an individual to share details, ideas, information and feelings with others (Abdin, 2008). Interpersonal communication abilities There has to be athree tiercommunicational strategy forinculcatein the neededInterpersonal communication abilities. Initially, the ethos, they are necessary for the ethical behaviour and the basic principles that explain the perceptions, customs, beliefs and attitudes ofperson, group or community. The other is pathos,which denotesempathy. The empathy is the set of emotions our way in which one individual understands the other person. The third one is the logos, in which denotes the logics or the manner inwhich onecommunicates or presents himself (Smart and Featheringham, 2006). A few of the interpersonal skills that an individual musthaveinvolve: Verbal communication The clarity is the vital aspect that is requiredinall communication. Forthisthe individual must have efficient thinking and thoughtful speaking (Gritten, 2015). In an order communication, when people are enquired regarding something or they have to respond to something then it is important to remain calm and Respond inextremelyclear thoughtful way (Sanders, 2010). Listening The communication loop can't be completed devoid ofthe listeningprocedure. To become a successful communicator, one has to be a successful business. Listening is very important because anybody who listens in an effectivemannerknows even the minutest details of the procedure. Therefore it turns out tobe practicalfor the communicator and the listener to communicate in a suitable way. Listening is an important aspect of interpersonal capabilities Questioning This is not just a technique for getting details rather it is alsogreatapproach to begin any conversation. It is important to ask many questions from the other person so as to get all the details regardingthe topic.Alsoone can show interest and can immediately get anybody's attention by questioning during the conversation. Manners With ethics, principles and good manners the interpersonal skills can be achieved. When a person has good etiquette's then it is easier to win other people's heart and therefore one can develop great communication skills. The way in which anybodycommunicates,reflects his capability (Bhatt, 2011). Problem solvingskills The individual must havecapabilityto resolve the issues in a manner that there is no further chaos. It can be said that interpersonal skills have a major portion of problem-solving because the individual who is a good communicator must know the way of handling Different issues in the best possible ways. Self management Self controland self-management help in controlling one's emotions and concentrating on the realities (Hofert et al., 2015). A few of the emotions which require self-management are confusion, anger, stress etc. Assertiveness It is important that person stands for his beliefs. One has to know about all requirements and desiresbut addressingtime the other persons desires restaurants or not withneglected. Therefore it is important to understand everybody's requirements, desires, rights and wishes. Therefore anybody who has great interpersonal skills follows certain principles like treating others with you respect, not interrupting whileconversationis going on, not volunteering others, speaking only for oneself, speaking but not for excessively long time, challenging the behaviours and not the individuals, Respecting others. Communication is one of the most significant skills to practice. Being capable of communicatingaffectivelyand clearly involves surroundings and thus the comfort areas might appear to be difficult however it raises exponentially in a diverse culture. Globalisation has become necessarynowadaysthereforeit is important to communicate rightly, it is effectiveofwhatever culture one is in (Hossain and Chonko, 2017). There are two major parts of communication that are important which are oral and non-verbal communication. There are cultural differences whichappear andthese are very clearly shown in ways of communication. The reflective experience included a speaker telling something that was very sensitive to hurt in the past. It was on the relation which made me amazed and made mefeel Imcomfortable. Since there were many queries to be asked, I was not sure of the way in which I could ask her because Iwas afraidof appearing to be intrusive. The situation turned out to be further awkward because some group of people were observing us. Rather than utilising my listeningskillsI lost the confidence and my friend asitI was being observed carefully. This kind of situation had not happened manytimes thereforeit is a situation which needs a lot of practice. In this place, theactive listeningmight have been quite useful. In such a situation one can use the techniques like paraphrasingarecoming close to the speaker so that the speaker feels that somebody is listening to him. This would also have helped in forgetting that the conversation was under observation and therefore the speaker might have been made mor e comfortable. Action Plan The action plans involves Application of reflecting techniques and empathic listening into the daily communication. For reflecting the two major techniques have to be applied which are-mirroring and paraphrasing. Mirroring means repetition of almost everything what the speaker said. It will be short and simple and I want to practice repeating the keywords and last few Words spoken (Szombathelyi, Borgulya and Szondi, 2016). This way I would be capable of understanding the other persons perception and also he would be prompted to continue. It has to be kept in mind that over mirroring can turn out to be irritating and distracting. I would also like to paraphrase what the speaker has stated so that he understands that I am listening and I'm trying to understand his point of you as well. I would practice these two techniques of reflecting in my daily communication and would check for my communication skills and the level of understanding, after three months of application of these techni ques (Goldman, 2009). Source: Own Study Again this technique can also be utilised for empathic listening and showing the other person that I understand his point of view. To be an empathetic listener I will need to avoid interaction even when there is something important to be stated. When I would mirror the words then there would be empathy offered to the speaker. Again this will also be applied immediately to all communications and one more thing that would be part of this action plan would be asking the open ended questions so that time speaker is invited to speak more and express himself. Conclusion Effective communication is much more than just discussing or talking to any person. It is important to understand the emotion and intent of communicating (Jensen, 2016). There are four skills which are needed for effective communication like stress management, asserting oneself in respectful manner, managing stress and engaging listeners (Arnold and Johnson, 1992).Different tools have been utilized to find out where I lack in communication strategies and to assess the extent of effectiveness while communicating. Effective communication is useful in getting the job done in good time and inside the pre-defined budget. Managers and team leaders who can communicate, and pass on the aims, logic and particular tasks in a brief and consistent way, using the correct tools suit the principle, put in significantly more to the accomplishment of a business than those who are unsuccessful to communicate capablythrough day-to-day business acts. These five tools showed how I can make improvements i n my daily communication, so I have included those suggestions into the action plan. This action plan needs immediate application, and these tests will be undertaken again after -6 months, so that the changes and improvement in the way of communication can be assessed. References Abdin, J. (2008). The Barriers of Communication Guidance of Effective Communication.SSRN Electronic Journal. Arnold, W. and Johnson, J. (1992).Perceptions of Empathic Messages and Message Sources.International Listening Association.Journal, 6(1), pp.83-88. Bhatt, R. (2011). Tips for Effective Communication Skills.Indian Journal of Applied Research, 3(1), pp.83-84. Blte, A., Kint, M., Miers, A. and Westenberg, P. (2009). The relation between public speaking anxiety and social anxiety: A review.Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23(3), pp.305-313. Chinese International Studentsa? Intercultural Communication Competence and Intercultural Communication Apprehension in the USA.(2012). East Tennessee State University. Croucher, S. (2013). 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