Wednesday, July 31, 2019

“Nettles” by Vernon Scannell Essay

Nettles” by poet Vernon Scannell is a reflective poem based on the poet trying to protect his son from hurting himself in a nettle bed. I found this poem very emotional and touching and this is mainly why I chose to write about it. The poet reflects on his own experience to prove his point of view, and he achieves this, and I indent to analyse what point he is trying to convey in this poem. The poem is set in the poetÂ’s own garden, with the nettles hidden out of sight behind the shed. The young child (the poetÂ’s son) falls into the nettle bed, which causes him to cry as it hurt him. This poem is extremely effective as it means a lot more than just a boy falling into nettles. The message that the poet has expressed in this poem is that parents canÂ’t always protect there children no mater how hard they try. Also, it is very emotional, about the fatherÂ’s feelings for his son, which makes the poem very dramatical and more effective. The use of imagery in the poem effectively helps the poet get his message across. The poet uses different techniques to make the poem more interesting and seem more realistic. This helps us imagine the scene clearly and creates an atmosphere. “That regiment of spite behind the shed. It was no place for rest”The strong word “spite” emphasises how much malicious the nettles are, that they have a strong desire to hurt someone, in this case the young boy. Saying a “regiment of spite” links to battle, and the fact these nettles want to cause harm and pain, they are linked to war, as though they are soldiers. They are behind the shed, and this gives us thoughts on how sly they are. They lurk out of sight, and wait to attack. This tells us how merciless they are, rule and harmful. “No place for rest” is a very effective phrase to use here, as it is a nettle bed. “Bed” is associated with sleeping, resting and comfort, and to say nettle “bed” seems curious to the poet, as nettles are associated with nothing but pain discomfort and suffering. The poet clearly feels this is no place for sleeping or resting. “Went outside and slashed in fury with it, till not a nettle in that fierce  parade stood upright anymore.”The use of personification effectively illustrates the poetÂ’s message. We can clearly tell the poet is furious with the nettles, for hurting his child, as the words “slashed in fury” tell us this. “Fury” is a very strong word, and emphasizes how angry he feels. “Slashed” also suggest how fast he acts, and used with the words fury creates a sense of hatred towards the nettles, and we can imagine why. The nettles hear are described as a vicious army, the father seeks revenge on them, and clearly gains it as it is followed with “stood upright anymore”. This is like an army being defeated, lying dead on the ground, no longer standing tall. “But in two weeks the busy sun and rain had called up tall recruits behind the shed.”The poet has used metaphors in the poem to illustrate his message. Yet again, the nettles are referred to as though they are an army, and they have been called up to fight in a war. The fact they are described as “tall” makes them seem stronger, bolder and intimidating, the poet is trying to create an image of these nettles leering over the child. Also, they are concealed behind the shed, making them seem sly and cunning, ready to sneak out and hurt the boy when he least expects it. Therefore, the nettles have a much better advantage than him, so he will be much likely to be hurt again. Word choice is an important feature in this poem, as it helps us understand the poetÂ’s message. The poet cleverly uses words so we understand his message. This is very effective. Here is an example of word choice. “White blisters beaded on his tender skin”The poet has used efficient adjectives to describe the boyÂ’s skin. “White blisters” gives thoughts of pain. It makes us think of pain and suffering, which is good as that, is what the young boy feels. It is also tells us how young and vulnerable the child is, because “tender” suggests this. It also suggests how innocent and young he is, that he needs to be protected from the vicious nettles. Also, “blisters beaded”, tells us that the boy may be scared for life. This is a terrible experience for the boy and his father, and blisters could scar him, a reminder of this event. After the poet destroys the nettle bed he decides to set fire to them:“A funeral pyre to burn the fallen dead”This is very dramatic as it is a huge fire to burn dead people, or nettles in this case. He wants to burn the dead, because they harmed his son. This phrase is very effective is make us think of death and funerals, which is usually depressing, and nettles are depressing and harmful. Fallen dead is saying the nettles have finally been defeated, and are fell down. They are described as though they are humans, or solders dying. The poetÂ’s message is that you canÂ’t always protect your children. He has used an experience he and his son with the nettles to show this, because its tells us that he tried to protect his son, but in the last line of the poem, he said “my son would often fell sharp wounds again” which tells us his son is going to get harmed, no mater how hard he trys to protect him. In conclusion, nettle’s is a fantastic poem, which tells us about the poetÂ’s feelings, and him trying to protect his son. I have enjoyed this poem, because it is very effective and interesting.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Political Language Essay

Language is the life blood of politics. Political power struggles, and the legitimisation of political policies and authorities occurs primarily through discourse and verbal representations. Power can either be exercised through coercion or what US commentator Walter Lippman termed in the 1930s the manufacture of consent. Largely unable, and hopefully unwilling, to coerce; political authorities in so called democratic polities often need to manufacture consent in order to undertake their agendas. While this most obviously concerns relations between a government and its wider public, this process has profound effects on the workings inside governments and is an important aspect of socialisation into governmental work cultures. Put simply the manufacture of consent is a language based process of ideological indoctrination. While being astonishingly comprehensive, it is a remarkably subtle process. Discourse carries the very assumptions under which the things it alludes to are known and ordered in the context in which it is used. In concrete terms this means that the content of political language contains the very rationale by which it is to be framed, defined, understood and acted upon. Commonly this produces the manufacture of consent. Political language, as Michael Geis points out in The Language of Politics, conveys both the linguistic meaning of what is said and the corpus, or a part of it, of the political beliefs underpinning any given statement (p7). Whether circulating inside or outside governments this means that political discourse transmits and unconsciously reinforces the ideological foundations and the ways of knowing of the dominant political authorities. Applied to government agencies this means that the language of its official texts contains the means by which things are known and understood within these agencies. This means that official documents are shaped according to the way in which things are known and understood in the context in which they are primarily employed. What is included, excluded and how the document is structured is largely determined by these methods of knowing, understanding, and what these are ideologically deemed to encompass. None of this is to necessarily say that the contents of a document are untrue. In the case of Randolf Paul’s report nothing alleged in it has been refuted. However its structure reflects the prizing of particular modes of linear rational thought, empiricism, and ideas of objectivity characteristic of the US bureaucracy. What he represented may well have been far less straightforward than how he presented it. The events Paul portrayed may well have included other significant happenings that were not included because they were either not recognised as such within the knowledge structures of the US bureaucracy, or because they may have contentiously reflected unfavourably on the ideological principles underlying the US government. On the flip side official documents can be used to identify the ideological principles of a government agency and the political authorities it represents. Where there is conflict in political discourse, there is conflict about the ideological and philosophical assumptions underlying political authority. Official texts, and their structures should be analysed to uncover the assumptions of knowledge and ideology at the foundations of the authority producing the text. According to Foucault, the most useful question in such an analysis is something along the lines of ‘ how is it that one particular statement appeared instead of another statement’ . Further reading : Burton, F., & Carlen, P. , Official Discourse : On Discourse Analysis, Government Publications, Ideology, and the State, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1979. Fairclough, N. , Language and Power, Longman, London, 1989. Foucault, M. The Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language, trans. A. M. Sheridan Smith, Pantheon Books, New York, 1972. Geis, M. , The Language of Politics, Spring – Verlag, New York, 1987. HOME DOCUMENT http://teaching. arts. usyd. edu. au/history/hsty3080/3rdYr3080/Callous%20Bystanders/language. html v.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Animal Oxygen Consumption Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Animal Oxygen Consumption - Lab Report Example After series of tests and manipulation, the investigator found out that, oxygen consumption of the group's subject which is the "Tilapia" increases, as incubation period increases; however, the former was found to have no direct relationship with its body weight. The result was contrasting to the experience of other groups which were assigned to investigate "crayfishes". Direct or linear relationship among crayfishes' oxygen consumption, incubation time and body weight were not as well established. All living cells need energy from exterior sources to act upon their many important tasks such as biosynthesis, transportation of molecules across membranes, movement, and reproduction. Green plants for example, acquire vast amount of energy from sunlight through photosynthesis. Chloroplasts surrounding the cell matrix convert solar energy into chemical energy. Moreover, most animals ingest food (usually plants and other animals) to acquire chemical energy that are stored in the food at the same time generate ATP through a process called cellular respiration. Cellular respiration in the same manner requires oxygen as a reactant. Thus, as an outcome of cellular respiration and cellular activity, animals are able to produce and release heat. This is one of the many unique characteristics of organisms and they as well vary in the rate of heat production as part of their metabolism.The overall process of cellular respiration can be summarized as: C6H12O6 + 6 O2 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP + heat (Foodstuff) (respiration) (heat) (work) Oxygen consumption was measured by estimating the energy metabolism, since the rate of oxygen consumption as well as energy utilization is generally directly related. In this exercise, the oxygen consumption of Tilapia was determined by using LaMotte Dissolved Oxygen kit in small volumes of water. This technique is titration-based on the oxidizing characteristics of dissolved oxygen (DO). Manganese solution is also added to the tested water samples followed by a strong alkali. Later, the solution was titrated through a standard solution, followed by addition of an indicator. Objectives The laboratory activity intended to achieve the following aims: 1. To demonstrate relationship in animals' body weight, oxygen consumption per body weight with respect to the incubation periods. 2. To perform accurately the procedures in the use of LaMotte Dissolved Oxygen kit, titrations and balance. 3. To compare the oxygen consumption of nektonic and benthic organisms. Hypothesis There is no direct relationship among oxygen consumption, incubation time and body weight for both animals (tilapia and crayfish). Methods/Procedures 1. Students are assigned into groups. Each group will be assigned and organism to work with depending on availability. 2. Fill 4 jars with the aquarium water. Using a net, select 3 animals of which your group is assigned to and gently transfer them one to each of the mason jars. The animals may vary in size. In addition, in the case of Tilapia, choose smaller ones so they have room to move about in the jar. *Collect water for your negative control first, since

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Is globalisation presently being governed To the extent it is, how is Essay

Is globalisation presently being governed To the extent it is, how is this being done - Essay Example To some extent this is the case, but as we will see, the range of actors and processes comprehended by such terms as ‘globalisation’ and ‘global governance’ are perhaps too complex and too numerous to be encompassed in any account. In short, the aim of this essay is to explore the nature and efficacy of contemporary attempts to govern globalising forces, and to assess the methods used and the degree of success they have been met with. The term ‘global governance’ is bandied about in the literature a great deal, but different scholars seem to have attached a range of different, sometimes overlapping, and sometimes conflicting, meanings to it. As Dingwerth and Pattberg (2006) observed, ‘the concept of global governance has become ever more popular – and confusion about its meaning ever greater’ (p. 185). Writing on the same theme, Payne (2005) went so far as to claim that governance is one of the most used and abused terms in c ontemporary academic discourse, perhaps beaten to first place only by globalisation (p. 55). It is necessary to gain some clarity on this issue if we are to build a useful analytical framework for discussing the consequences and demands of globalisation. Dingwerth and Pattberg (2006) declared, exasperated, that ‘’Global Governance’ appears to be virtually anything’ (p. 185). However, using their review article as a helpful foundation, we can see global governance as an analytical framework which has succeeded ‘international relations’ – the traditional way of seeing interaction between sovereign states. While global governance refers partly to the institutional response to globalisation, and attempts by states to order globalising processes, it is surely something larger than this, and encompasses a series of phenomena which can be observed working above and below the level of intergovernmental cooperation. There are, for example, socia l and political movements which transcend state boundaries, often facilitated by the unique opportunities for communication afforded by the internet. There are also private networks and private corporations whose interests and activities span continents. Pressure groups such as Greenpeace and judicial actors like the International Criminal Court are only the most visible of millions of actors in the global arena. Weiss (1999), likewise, saw global governance as a response to the widespread dissatisfaction with existing theories of international relations, and especially the failure of such theories to adequately make allowance for the colossal increase, in numbers and importance, of actors independent of the state, and especially of the transformations brought about by new technologies, especially the internet. Rosenau (1995) understood all of this, and acknowledged that an understanding of global governance rests on a great deal more than an exploration of the formal institutions a nd mechanisms – bodies such as the United Nations - that have been established by governments to deal with globalisation. As he himself writes, it is ‘more than the formal institutions through which the management of international affairs is or is not sustained’ (p. 13). He extends the competence of global governance right down to every level of human activity, including interactions between families across borders. Dingwerth and Patt

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Evaluation of SWOT, Generic Strategy, Porters 5 Forces, and the Blue Essay

Evaluation of SWOT, Generic Strategy, Porters 5 Forces, and the Blue Ocean Analysis in emerging markets - Essay Example There has been virtual silence, however, on the practical tools required to excel in a Blue Ocean Analysis. Rather than put these tools to their best use, executives in these emerging market sectors have been told to be "brave" and "entrepreneurial." Rather than being encouraged to adopt a strategy like Blue Ocean so they can have an effective paradigm for management and understanding of the markets, they are told that they should "learn from failure" while they try to "seek out revolutionaries." Although thought-provoking and even somewhat motivational, these statements are not substitutes for an effective analytical model that would equip the modern executive to successfully navigate in the international emerging markets. In the absence of true leadership by senior management, and lacking effective analytical tools, executives running businesses in this market sector cannot reasonably be expected to effectively accomplish the goal of increasing market segment and positioning their companies ahead of existing competition. Effective employment of the principles found in the Blue Ocean Analysis would allow international market company leaders to see the wisdom in focusing on risk minimization, and not facilitate the use of euphemisms to encourage risk taking. While the Blue Ocean Analysis is not a perfect model, and does have limitations that will be explored in this research, this strategy appears to be a more realistic method for delivering an effective approach for companies in today's highly competitive markets. Methodology The research methodology employed to fully investigate this question will be straightforward and comprehensive. First, there will be a systematic review of existing literature regarding the implementation, strengths, weaknesses, and operations of the primary analytical tools such as Porter's Five Forces, PESTAL, Value Chain, Generic Strategy, SWOT, and the Blue Ocean Analysis. Further, there will be a focus on the causes of strategy changes within companies, particularly those within the international emerging market sector, and how the traditional strategies are applied to these organisations. Following this, a number of methods will be used

Friday, July 26, 2019

Failures of Cross Border Mega Mergers Research Paper

Failures of Cross Border Mega Mergers - Research Paper Example According to Ghemawat and Ghadar (2000), global mergers are made for a completely misguided and wrong reason. I support the arguments that the two authors advanced in their article,’ dubious logic of global mega-mergers. Nothing more explains the wrong reasoning behind the mergers except the levels of their failures. There much that should, therefore, guide international businesses while considering an international merger. This paper provides illustrations to support my position on this matter. Failures in cross border mega-mergers Ghemawat and Ghadar (2000) argues that the wisdom of the ‘winner takes it all’ in globalization and mega-mergers is misplaced and has no empirical evidence to support it. The craze for globalization has had no significant impact on the financial strengths and growth of a given company. To them, there is a need for executives to stop pursuing the biases that have led them to make mega-mergers and cross border deals. Globalizations have different facets, which are more economically viable as opposed to needless expansion. Cross border mergers are viewed by investment analysts as a way of making entries into a foreign market, and several reasons explain the high number of cross border mega-mergers around the globe. However, the high number of failures and low business experienced after international mergers strengthen the stand taken by Ghemawat and Ghadar (2000). The significant number of cross border mega failure has resulted in increased studies to ascertain whether the craze for acquisition and mergers is outplaced. Ghemawat and Ghadar (2000) are of the view that the increased number of crossed border mergers and acquisitions are a waste of resources and time to the companies as they are bound to fail. The process of expansion into new borders and foreign lands has a number of economic factors that need to be put into consideration. These include the foreign currency of operation, the socio-cultural and politica l set up of the nation and the political stability; therefore, any organization must factor in all these factors before making a step towards acquisition and mergers in foreign states (Sudekum, 2009). In cross border mergers, companies that have their headquarters and operation bases in different countries and regions come together and merge their operations, this results into the merger of different political and social settings that affect the operations of a business. Political, social and economic differences between countries make globalization and cross border mergers a tough undertaking. Differences in the fiscal policies also present a number of challenges to companies operating in foreign settings. The harmonization of fiscal policies even in the European Union has not created a business environment that is economically and politically homogenous. International labor laws in organizations also differ significantly. This present challenges to companies operating in new econo mic and political setups (Hughes, 2012). In the process of finalizing cross border mergers, companies tend to overlook essential factors and this has created failures in a number of mega-mergers.

Marketing Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Marketing Management - Essay Example The planning process begins with an examination of the firm's internal and external entities creating a situation analysis. Based on a comprehensive review of these applicable issues, the firm establishes its operation, strategy, objectives, and more than a few functional plans. Planning efforts pertaining to each functional area will generate a strategic plan for that area. Although it is relevant to note that the processes apprehended with developing a customer-oriented marketing strategy and marketing plan, should pressure that firm to develop effective marketing plans that are conversant with the business's goals. It is therefore significant for every department to strategically set up its standards that will boost customer relations. Senior management must synchronize these functional plans in a way that will achieve a firm’s mission and business objectives. The Marketing Plan is a written document providing the layout of the firm’s marketing activities that involve execution and control of those proceedings. Promotion plans generate a number of purposes. For one, the marketing plan distinctively depicts how the firm will achieve its goals. This aspect of marketing planning is essential. In this sense, the marketing plan serves as the â€Å"roadmap† for executing the marketing strategy. Although the focus is on marketing planning and strategy, we cannot highlight enough that marketing decisions must be executed within the limits of the organization’s overall mission, goals, and objectives.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Internet Technology, Marketing, and Security Research Paper - 2

Internet Technology, Marketing, and Security - Research Paper Example It is based on some basic set of assumptions. The general conception is a well-built confidence in amplified sales for a mature business that promotes good quality products, excellent pricing, fine ads, and even improved social repute if they decide to run the correct advertisements for the correct audience. The fundamental paraphernalia was almost always accessible to mark demographic categories on social media. This one concept was embedded with the ever mounting number of people using social media sites from their machines and their personal digital assistants gave the momentum for management to agree on the fact that the only reasonable way to succeed is to go ahead via social media, and if accomplishment was not attained during their anticipated time frame then the resolution had to be more assets that must be invested into the project ( Belch, 2012). This ended up as a fuel to new development for social media corporations assisting them to build up even more tempting networks i n accordance to their clientele. Facebook, being one of the largest social media company is a result of the above described phenomenon. There are also some that worked on user data mining as Flow Town that is under Demand force, went forward with the objective to put up user information for sale to companies that opt for express mail while thinking to better deal with their end user links using custom notifications exclusively customized for each depending on their social media action on all sites. (Bloch, 2010) It is a hoax with numerous admirers still hoping for a marketing magic land. But as many failed events commence to come up generating new ideas, a novel way of thinking, an innovative estimation is at the moment offered to the community at large that evidently recognizes the imperfection of the procedure and predicts an opposite way to move for the now imagined business. Answer:2 There are several advantages and disadvantages when social media is used by business entrepreneu rs. The obvious advantage comprises of  data collection from media users via internet and then arranging data through software that eliminates manual activity of sorting data. Initially developing customized applications will be costly and take some time but it is worth the effort and money because a lot of time and resources are saved in the future and important data including market content is being provided (Smith and zook, 2011). Other advantages of social media comprise of Low costs, builds credibility, and the augmented number of associations (DAS, 2009) and modifying an existing business to make it efficient or making a new business (Mercer, 2009) . A noteworthy benefit of social media advertising is growing experience and growing traffic. almost two-thirds of marketers are utilizing social media to increase marketplace intellect.(65%). Attached for fourth place, 58% of marketers specify producing front and increasing devotees are repayment of social media (Stelzner, 2012). Shortcoming would contain, from a marketer's perspective, protection apprehension, particularly those relevant to Internet privacy and security concerns. Marketers may also be anxious about expenses of considerable quantity of resources to give guarantee  for building trust to media users to reassure the users that all information taken

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Essay Example Classicism as a movement spans across literature, the arts, and even architecture; it was strongly associated with absolutism and the need for clear divisions of parts. At the time, the buildings and artworks were made in bright colors yet they contrasted each other; overall, classical era production was simple and less complex than previous periods. These ideas mostly came from developments in science and philosophy where it was established that things tend to follow certain rules; in accordance with Newtonian physics, the most stable structures were the highly ordered ones. These influences entered the arena of music when audiences and players began adding structure to their pieces; unlike the previous Baroque period that had layered melodies and harmonies, the classical era had homophonic music where the harmony was inferior to the melody (Hoffer 124). Tonal structures were deeply emphasized at the time owing to the emphasis on chords; sometimes this was done at the expense of melodic smoothness. In addition, the classical era music differed from the Baroque style music owing to its emphasis on instrumental groups other than the string instruments. Participants of the classical era simplified the texture of their music in a manner that allowed listeners to be better able to tell the instrumental details apart. Tones need to be unified through certain rhythms like the minute or opening fanfares in order to get the attention of its listeners. This era also had concerto and sonata forms at a greater level with special emphasis given to their definition as well as the rules surrounding their use. Furthermore, performers did the symphony and concertos for many were eventually replaced by soloist concertos.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Change Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Change Management - Essay Example â€Å"While participation in Internet doubled from 1982 to 1992†¦the irony is that the key communication technologies are, at best, in their infancy in developing or less developed countries† (Olaniran 65). Many companies in such developing countries as India and Kenya are reluctant to change the communication practices that have been in use for decades. However, as the workforce is getting more trained and educated, a positive change is expected and has already started to show up in many organizations in these countries. An effective way to reduce the employee resistance is by allowing them to get involved and participate in the change management process. This can be achieved if the employees are taken into confidence. Managers should develop and engage the employees in unfreezing activities. â€Å"Unfreezing activities normally involve group activities designed to confront existing group behavior. These may take the form of training interventions, team talks, evangelic al speeches, or some other form of activity† (Collins 60). Managers should arrange meetings with the employees where they all can be addressed at once. Managers should ensure that all employees attend the meeting. In the meeting, the managers should explain the need of introducing the change to the employees and why and how the old system is not letting the organization achieve its objectives. The managers should not only demonstrate the need of change but also show how individualistic efforts of the employees working at different levels in the organization will contribute to the organizational success. A very important point that a manager should keep in mind while addressing the employees is not to underestimate or overlook the role of any employee in the change introduction and the management process. Ideally, the manager should encourage the employees to come up with ideas that could further enhance the manager’s plan of introducing and managing the change. Construc tive ideas should not only be appreciated but also be incorporated into the change implementation process. This would serve as an incentive for other employees to share their positive opinions with the manager and also boost their confidence as well as motivation to help the manager implement the change. â€Å"Participatory measures such as team working and high-involvement work practices demonstrate improvements in performance†¦Performance changes may occur because participation leads to changed attitudes which lead to higher performance† (Summers and Hyman). Before conducting the meeting, the manager should try to identify the employees whose interests would be affected by the introduction of change, and tend to modify the change plan in a way that causes minimum loss to those employees while enhancing the overall efficiency of other employees and the organization as a whole. However, â€Å"[i]n any change, especially ones that affect a complete organization, it is im possible to involve every employee in each decision† (Heathfield), so the manager should not change the plan in an attempt to satisfy everyone. Once the employees have been sufficiently addressed and convinced through such meetings, the manager shou

Monday, July 22, 2019

Info Systems Syllabus Essay Example for Free

Info Systems Syllabus Essay School of Business Mission Statement The mission of the UTB/TSC School of is to prepare students in the bicultural Lower Valley of Texas for their careers by offering associate, bachelor, and master degree business programs. As part of a community university focused on student learning, the School of Business emphasizes teaching, enriched by scholarship and service, to help students develop analytical, problem solving, and information technology skills; supports the development of the communication skills of our predominantly bilingual students; provides a supportive learning environment; and encourages ethical behavior and involvement with the business community. Theme: Student Success through Assurance of Learning BMIS 3351. 80 INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN ORGANIZATIONS Fall 2013 Semester. INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Instructor: Edith Galy Office: Education and Business Complex 2. 504G Phone: 956. 882. 7301 Fax: 956. 882. 5801 Email: edith. [emailprotected] edu OfficeHours: T TH 1:00pm -3:30pm; plus appointments COURSE DESCRIPTION The information era of today requires students be equipped with an understanding of how to effectively utilize information technologies. This course provides an overview and hands-on practice of information technology at all levels of an organization including transactional processing systems, database management, decision support systems, enterprise information systems, and e-commerce applications. Lec 3, Cr 3 COURSE INFORMATION Course: BMIS 3351. 80 Information Systems in Organizations Location: WWW Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: admission to upper division GENERAL COURSE COMPETENCIES Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: discuss the role of information systems in business organizations and how information technology has fostered a growing global economy. become acquainted with the role of IT as a means of achieving competitive advantage. list and define the various components of an Information System. define the purpose and structure of databases and data warehouses, and how to apply various data modeling concepts and querying techniques. work with transaction processing systems and decision support systems, and describe their different roles in an organization. describe networking, e-commerce, the Internet, and the telecommunications process. define artificial intelligence and describe several different types of artificial intelligence systems in specialized business information systems. understand the systems development life cycle. discern insights of ethical concerns with regard to IT LEARNING OUTCOME Upon graduation, our students will use information technology appropriately. Definition: A technology literate individual knows how to apply computer based tools to support the information-processing needs of an organization. This includes being up-to-date with Information Technology combined with the capacity to determine when these technologies will increase the effectiveness of an organization. The project entails the use of Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) as a reporting technology. The student will use Excel to display a pivot table in the form of an OLAP cube, a display that uses three axes like a cube in geometry. With the use of the pivot tables, students can sum, count, average or perform other simple arithmetic operation on a list of data. Students are required to crunch the data and prepare a report that describes their data analysis. The report must be submitted in a narrative that includes imported tables and graphs done in Excel. The scenario and data will vary depending on the semester. RESOURCES Textbook: Experiencing MIS, 3/E David M. Kroenke Publisher: Prentice Hall Copyright: 2012 ISBN10: 0132157942 ISBN-13: 9780132157940 For text book pricing information use your course and section number or text ISBN in the UTB/TSC bookstore at http://utb. bncollege. com/ E-Mail Account registered in Scorpion Online for communication with instructor High Speed Internet access USB Flash Drive Microsoft Office Optional: MyMISLab with Pearson eText Student Access Code Card for Experiencing MIS, 3/E ASSIGNMENTS Refer to the Learning Modules in Blackboard. Students are responsible for taking all Quizzes and Exams. Individual links for quizzes and/or exams are located in the ASSESSMENTS menu option. These links appear and disappear during the corresponding times indicated in the schedule. Please let me know if you encounter technical difficulties during the quiz. Do not wait until the last second to take the quiz as there is no acceptable excuse for not taking the quiz on time. Make-up exams can be arranged but these will have to be taken in person in my office. Academic Integrity: Students are expected to be above reproach in all scholastic activities. SCHOLASTIC DISHONESTY Students who engage in scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and expulsion from the University. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student, or the attempt to commit such acts. Since scholastic dishonesty harms the individual, all students and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced (Board of Regents Rules and Regulations). All scholastic dishonesty incidents will be reported to the Dean of Students. Do not allow your peers to pressure you to cheat. Your grade, academic standing and personal reputation are at stake. GRADE COMPOSITION Assignments Journals 30% 30% Projects Tests Final Grade Scale 10% 20% 10% Grades are awarded in courses in which students are officially enrolled after the official record date. The deadline to withdraw is specified in the Academic Calendar for each semester or term. After the deadline to drop with a grade of W has passed, students may not be awarded a W as a final grade. Final grades are available to students within 24 hours after all final examination grades have been submitted online after the end of each semester or term. Grade reports are not mailed to students. Students interested in obtaining their grades may log on to UTB Online. Grade A+ A AB+ B BC+ C D F Range 98-100 93-97-9 90-92. 9 87-89. 9 83-86. 9 80-82. 9 77-79. 9 70-76. 9 60-69. 9 59 and Under Grade Points 4. 00 4. 00 3. 67 3. 33 3. 00 2. 67 2. 33 2. 00 1. 00 0. 00 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) Students with disabilities, including learning disabilities, who wish to request accommodations in a course should notify the Disability Services Office early in the semester so that the appropriate arrangements may be made. In accordance with federal law, a student requesting accommodations must provide documentation of his/her disability to the Disability Services counselor. For more information, visit Disability Services in Cortez or call 956-882-7374. EMERGENCY POLICY STATEMENT In compliance with the Emergency UTB Academic Continuity Program, academic courses, partially or entirely, will be made available on the Blackboard course management system. This allows faculty members and students to continue their teaching and learning via Blackboard, in case the university shuts down as a result of a hurricane or any other natural disaster. The university will use Blackboard to post announcements notifying faculty members and students of their responsibilities as a hurricane approaches our region. If the university is forced to shut down, faculty will notify their course(s). To receive credit for a course, it is the student’s responsibility to complete all the requirements for that course. Failure to access course materials once reasonably possible can result in a reduction of your overall grade in the class. To facilitate the completion of class, most or all of the communication between students and the institution, the instructor, and fellow classmates will take place using the features in your Blackboard and UTB email system. Therefore, all students must use UTB Online to provide a current email address. In the event of a disaster  that disrupts normal operations, all students and faculty must make every effort to access an internet enabled computer as often as possible to continue the learning process. EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM UTB has implemented an emergency communication system to provide students, faculty, staff and visitors with important information in the event of an impending threat. This system allows UTB to send time sensitive notifications via telephones, computers, indoor speakers in classrooms and laboratories, outside speakers, e-mail messages, and announcements on http://www. utb. edu/Pages/default.aspx. The notification methods used will vary depending on the level of the emergency. Messages will communicate the current situation and provide guidance for what action needs to be taken immediately STUDENTS ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITIES Students are required to be diligent in their studies, regular in class attendance and on time. The number of absences permitted in any one course varies with instructor and course. Some programs hve very strict attendance policies. Attendance requirements are printed in the course syllabus and announced by the instructor at the initial class meeting. On recommendation of the instructor concernec, students will be dropped from courses for failure to meet the attendance requirements or other good cause. This will result in a W or an F on students academic records with negative consequences for financial aid eligibility, and international student visas. Students are responsible for all class work and assignments. For this online course, three missed assignments will place a student in jeopardy of being dropped from the course. The third missed assignment will trigger an email asking for a meeting with the student. The meeting will be held in person or through SKYPE. Failure to make this appointment within 15 calendar days of such email will result in a recommendation to the Dean for withdrawal from the course. Whether the withdrawal results in a W or an F will depend on the withdrawal date. A student can withdraw at any point in the process before this date. INCOMPLETE GRADES A grade of I may be given when students have not completed the required course work within the allotted time of a regular semester or summer session if the instructor determines that the reasons for  the work being incomplete are valid and that the grade of I is justified. A written agreement between the student and the instructor specifying the work to be made up and the deadline for its accomplishment must be filed in the office of the Department Chair at the time that the I is submitted. The work agreed upon must be satisfactorily completed and the I changed no later than the end of the next regular (Fall or Spring) semester from the date the I was received unless an extension is requested by the instructor, or the grade will automatically be recorded as F on the official transcript. A student will not receive a grade of I to allow more time to prepare course work in addition to that assigned to the entire class, time to repeat the entire course, or opportunity to raise a grade. Incomplete grades are not issued for student or faculty convenience; they may be issued only in the case of compelling, nonacademic circumstances beyond the students control. ADMINISTRATIVE WITHDRAWAL Students who miss more than half of the required activities within the first 25% of the course without contacting the course professor may be administratively withdrawn from the course. Administrative withdrawal has serious consequences. Students may have to repay funds to Title IV financial aid programs. Administrative withdrawal will count toward the six-drop rule limiting the number of courses students are allowed to drop to no more than six courses over the entire undergraduate career. International students will not be eligible to continue enrollment if an administrative withdrawal results in a course load less than full-time. After the official record date, students may withdraw from classes and receive a â€Å"W† on their permanent records. This deadline to withdraw is specified in the Academic Calendar for each enrollment period. Students who do not withdraw before the deadline may not be given a â€Å"W† on the final grade sheet. Students may withdraw from all of their classes through Scorpion Online. The student is responsible for ensuring that their request is processed by the withdrawal deadline specified. At the instructor’s discretion, and consistent with the policy stated on the course syllabus, an instructor may withdraw a student from class for non-attendance. An instructor-initiated withdrawal may result in a â€Å" W† or an â€Å"F† on the student’s permanent record. For this online course, three missed assignments will place a student in jeopardy of being dropped from the course. The third missed assignment will trigger an email asking for a meeting with the student. The meeting will be held in person or through SKYPE. Failure to make this appointment within 15 calendar days of such email will result in a recommendation to the Dean for withdrawal from the course. Whether the withdrawal results in a W or an F will depend on the withdrawal date. A student can withdraw at any point in the process before this date. ACADEMIC STANDING To remain in good academic standing undergraduate students are expected to maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2. 00 (â€Å"C† average) for all work attempted at UTB. Academic standing is computed each regular semester (i. e. , Fall or Spring) for every UTB student, including transfer and dual coursework and BECHS and MSA students; transient students are held to the standards of their home institution, not to those of UTB. Students who fail to maintain the minimum required grade point average of 2. 00 in all work attempted at UTB will be placed on academic probation. At the end of the probationary semester, students who have earned a cumulative GPA of 2. 00 or higher will be changed to GOOD STANDING status. At the end of the probationary semester, students who have NOT earned a cumulative GPA of 2. 00 and who have NOT earned a semester GPA of 2. 00 or higher will be changed to SUSPENSION status. At the end of the probationary semester, students who have NOT earned a cumulative GPA of 2. 00, but who have earned a semester GPA of 2. 00 or higher will continue on PROBATION until their cumulative GPA is 2. 00, as long as each semester GPA is 2. 00 or higher. The purpose of measuring academic standing is to keep students on track for successful completion of a degree and to prevent unnecessary financial burden on those students who do not finish a program. Academic Standing is calculated separately from Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress. If you are on financial assistance, please visit http://www. utb. edu/em/fa/Pages/SatisfactoryAcademicProgress. aspx for specific academic progress requirements. Campus Resources  © 1997-2013 Blackboard Inc. All Rights Reserved. U. S. Patent No. 7,493,396 and 7,558,853. Additional Patents Pending. Accessibility information †¢ Installation details.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Identifying the ideal self

Identifying the ideal self Page | 1 Contents Introduction 1. Identifying my Ideal Self 2. My Real Self 3. Feedback From Others 4. My Learning Agenda Conclustion References Introduction My name is Gavin le Roux and I am currently the Parts Manager at Hatfield VW Braamfontein. I have been employed in my current company almost 6 years, been a Parts Manager for the past 9 years and been in the Parts environment for over 13 years. I have many goals and aspirations, both personal and within my department, many of which I have achieved and excelled at and some which I am still working towards. One of my major goals is to become a Dealer Principal, and for me to be able to peruse this and be successful in achieving this I will need to become a more effective leader. So how do I become a more effective leader? Well first I to identify my Ideal Self which is the person I would ideally like to be and invasion myself to be, and to take the necessary steps and actions to work towards becoming that person. Second would be to understand myself better by means of acknowledging who I currently am, my core values, causes of my behavior. Thirdly I would need to gather honest feedback from others as to attain my current positive and negative behaviors. Lastly would be to populate a personal growth learning agenda to identify key growth areas. 1. Identifying my Ideal Self As a Manager at my company I have vision to both grow my department and myself. In being able to be successful at this I need to identify my Ideal Self, which is the person which I ideally desire to be. I have spent some time reflecting on where I currently am and what I have achieved at my company and where I would to take my department and myself to. During this process I have identified both strengths and weaknesses and have identified key characteristics and traits which I would require to master in being able to achieve in being my Ideal self within my company. These characteristics and traits are as follows: To be an effective and successful leader To be enthusiastic and have a positive attitude To support my team at all times and with all aspects Have excellent Interpersonal skills To be confident To communicate effectively with my team Inspiring Through these values I believe I can grow both my department and myself and be able to take my team and department to the next level and also reach my personal goals within the company which is to become a Dealer Principal. I want to leave a legacy behind me in my company and be known as the leader that took his department from zero to hero. A leader that set solid foundations, had great vision and implemented strategies to achieve his visions, a leader who was innovative and continually contributed to the growth of his department. Growth in my department will not come from me alone, but from me and my staff as a unit. For me to be able to get my staffs support and buy in I first need to master myself and understand myself in depth before I can master others and become a successful leader. The next step is achieving the necessary changes to myself in being able to get closer to being my Ideal Self is to apply Personal Mastery. Personal Mastery is the ability to see where I am as a person at present vs. the Ideal person I want to be, and to continually work towards improvement in being that person. As I have already identified my key traits in being my Ideal self within my company, Personal Mastery will now assist me in my journey towards continuous improvement towards applying my desired traits. It’s all about self-discipline and taking responsibility to implement the necessary changes. â€Å"People with a high level of personal mastery are acutely aware of their ignorance, their incompetence, their growth areas. And they are deeply self-confident† (Senge, 1990). In addition to Personal Mastery, Emotional Intelligence (EI) is another tool which will assist me in my journey to getting closer to my ideal self as it will assist me with the ability to deal effectively with my team. Daniel Goleman describes emotional intelligence as managing feelings so that they are expressed appropriately and effectively, enabling people to work together smoothly toward their common goals. Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth (Mayer Salovey,1997) The ability to understand, interpret, and respond to the emotions of my staff will be a huge benefit for me in being a more effective leader. I am going to integrate my results from my Myers-Briggs Type indicator (MBTI) Personality report into EQ to illustrate my stronger areas and areas I need to focus on in terms of EQ. My MBTI results listed me as an ISFJ (Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) Personality. My Strong areas in relation to EQ are: I notice what needs to be done to help people, I am sympathetic, tactful, and supportive to others in need and I notice and do little things that help others feel good. Now looking at key components in EQ, Empathy is vital in understanding the others emotions and being able to handle them in accordance to their emotional reactions. I accept responsibility beyond the call of duty and follow through until my work is completed. This relates back to a key factor in EQ Motivation, which is the passion to work for reasons beyond money or status and to peruse goal with energy and persistence. My areas which I would need improvement on in relation to EQ are: When I am in a crisis, I find it difficult to remain calm and composed. I find it hard to hide my distress and worry until the situation is resolved. EQ is very much about self-awareness and self-regulation, I need to train myself to be more in tune with my moods and emotions, to control them better and be able understand them and use them more effectively. I am an Introvert and am hence reserved, quite, private. EQ requires Social Skill for the ability to manage relationships and build networks. Understanding Emotional Intelligence will play a key role in helping me grow as a leader. 2. My Real Self â€Å"Waking up to who you are requires letting go of who you imagine yourself to be.† (Alan Watts) I’ve learnt we as people often hide parts of our core personality behind a mask in an effort to cover-up our flaws and insecurities. We’ve been brought up in a world where people around us are like mirrors, reflecting distorted images of who we are and these distorted images are actually of their own brokenness and pain. This unfortunately submerges our true self beneath the surface. As soon as we try to reveal our trues self we are quickly judged and this pushes our true self even deeper under the surface and we replace it with a more acceptable self, a fake. I’m going to use a few tools to give you a look into my Real-Self or alternatively worded as my â€Å"True-Self†. First tool is the â€Å"My Ice-burg† concept which is based on an iceberg floating in the ocean with part of it above the waterline and the rest of it below the waterline. Above the waterline my mask, my cover-up to the world and also my conscious mind. Below the waterline is my True self, which has been suppressed over time by numerous factors, and this area is also my unconscious mind. I have identified myself as illustrated below: I need to allow all of which lays below the water line to surface and to face it head on to be able to unleash my true self. â€Å"Our true self is here now, but it has been pushed beneath the surface by the hands of time and pain and fear† The second tool is Life Positions which is based on views and beliefs about ourselves and others. There are 4 basic Life Positions and Franklyn Ernest (1971) created the diagram below to illustrate these positions: Franklyn Ernst (1971) After spending some time trying to be brutally honest with myself in identifying where I am positioned in this grid, I found myself to be between two quadrants which are â€Å"I am OK / You are OK† and â€Å"I am OK / You are not OK. So why between two quadrants? Well, I see myself as someone who is quite happy with both myself and others, I feel very much in control of my own life and don’t rely on others to achieve this, I have high standards and I don’t always look at others as having lower standards for themselves. In short I’m very much happy go lucky. Now, on the other hand I can also be find myself sometimes blaming others and wanting to be right and being firm. This is why I find myself to be between two quadrants, as I see mixed traits in my Real Self from both â€Å"I am OK / You are OK† and â€Å"I am OK / You are not OK. 3. Feedback From Others 4. My Learning Agenda Conclustion References Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at: Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at: Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at: Flanagan, D. K., n.d. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 23 March 2013]. McCarthy, D., n.d. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 03 April 2014]. mmolloy, n.d. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 March 2014]. Montenegro, O., n.d. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 March 2014].

Literature Review of Self Leadership and Creativity

Literature Review of Self Leadership and Creativity The purpose of this literature review is to study and critique a number of academic articles and scholarly literatures in the area of self-leadership and specifically its influence on creativity. With the promising growth of human resource practice, concepts such as self-leadership and creativity become indispensable parts of the HRM framework. Upon careful assessment of the different contributors and impact of self-leadership, subsequent recommendations for future research and implications for contemporary human resource practice will be devised upon the findings of this literature review. Research Methods In locating the relevant literature materials, various popular management databases such Ebsco, ProQuest and Infotrac were consulted. They keywords used in facilitating the search include self-leadership, creativity, self-motivation, employee influence and contemporary human resource management. The result of the bundle of literature includes case studies, empirical research (both qualitative and quantitative) and scholarly journal articles. A diversity of literature and scholarly articles were chosen in attempt to obtain an overall understanding of the chosen topics of self-leadership and creativity. An analysis and understanding of these academic literatures will be addressed subsequently. Self-leadership and Creativity An emerging area in contemporary human resource practice is self-leadership. A succinct yet meaningful definition of self-leadership is known as the process of influence to establish the self-direction and self-motivation needed to perform (Manz, 1986, p.585). Furthermore, an empirical study conducted by Houghton et al (2004) illustrated that employees who are high in self-leadership are more likely to have higher innovation and creativity potential than employees who are low in self-leadership. Pursuing further, Beer and Walton (1987) emphasised a new set of assumptions in shaping their meaning of contemporary human resource management as the Proactive system-wide intervention, with emphasis on fit linking HRM with strategic planning and cultural change. In contemporary human resource practice, self-leadership and creativity marry at a point when effective self-leadership influences the creation of motivation and a self-bettering learning culture that will support the behaviours required for success. Such self-bettering learning culture serves its optimum purpose when it is transferred across the entire organisation. The shaping of an organisations culture is analogous to fertilising the soil for seed planting crops. Organisations with supportive cultures and positive attitudes in self-leadership tend to empower employees motivations and job satisfaction. Findings It is important to the note that the findings of these scholarly articles vary in variables and a number of other constraints in their own merits. However, for the purpose of this literature review, these findings will be discussed as a collective finding in self-leadership and creativity and contemporary human resource management. First of all, it is worthy to note that the findings in Houghton et al (2004) paper are predominantly based on correlations between self-leadership and the potential of creativity and not the actual level of creativity. With due respect, it is understandable that there are many variables affecting the practice of creativity such as supervisory styles (Ford, 1996) and the work environment (Amabile, 1997). Other literatures have suggested that employees with high levels of self-leadership tend to have an internal locus of control (Woodman, Sawyer and Griffin, 1993). This means that these employees believed that they have a fairly high level of control over the outcome of results. On the other hand, employees with an external locus of control believed that they have very little or no control over the results or outcome of a matter and therefore may not try as hard as the internal locus of control employees. This is a significant piece of information towards the study of contemporary hum an resource practice because through understanding the different types of employees belief, the organization can provide training tailored to individual employees to suit their learning styles most effectively. For instance, employees with internal locus of control, self-leadership and therefore, a high degree of creativity would be a valuable group of human resource to the organization as they would be most likely to strive and produce innovative results. Owing to their high level of self-leadership, they would be influencing themselves to motivate and perform towards their set career goals. In addition, it is fascinating to note that in the theory of cross-cultural self-leadership, Houghton et al (2004) had referenced the work of Hofstede, Hofstede and Minkov (2010) and contends that cultural biases (ethnocentrism) would significantly impugn on the integrity of collection of empirical data. As a result, Houghton et al (2004) had conducted the empirical data of self-leadership quantities research to encompass team members from different races. The conclusion of the findings is that self-leadership is a self-influence concept and does not usually transcend across cultures. However, Houghton et al (2004) remarked that one should take into account that the western self-leadership concept should be conveyed and explained to the Asian culture to gain unanimous understanding and a more controlled environment of collecting empirical data. In the research conducted by Ford (1996), different types of supervisory styles were observed. Out of the array of styles, the more prominent one is the comparison of transactional leadership and transformational or charismatic leadership with respect to their impact on creativity. It is interesting to find that transformational supervisors with a vision and/or charisma to motivate employees would often draw their inner potential out and as a result, fulfil self-motivation. This inherent cause and effect proposition coincides with the positive correlation between self-leadership and creativity. It is reasonable to posit that this is due to the fact that when employees are motivated and entrusted with leadership roles, where they can foresee a positive future with the organisation, the likelihood is that they feel a sense of security and association, thus identify themselves with the organisation. These suggestion made by Ford (1996) are aligned with the literature on the hierarchy of needs conducted by Maslow and Frager (1987), that people in general would demand social recognition and a sense of belonging in their workplace. Quality of literature The overall presentation and language used amongst these literatures vary greatly. Despite their prominent stance in the human resource management evolution, some of the older papers (i.e. Beer and Walton, 1987; Amabile, 1997) are seen to be using more archaic language and antiquated grammar in presenting their findings. For instance, in the work by Beer and Walton (1987), words such as societal wellbeing and personnel or people management were often used. It is worthy to note that these terminologies have long been compromised by words such as corporate social responsibility (CSR) and human resource management respectively. Implications for Future Research Williams (1997) has suggested that future research should identify the correlation between how different types of personality characteristics affects the level of self-leadership. Drawing upon Williams suggestion, future research could further benefit from focusing specifically on personality characteristics such as general self-efficacy, self-esteem, locus of control and self-monitoring. Due to the growing importance of self-leadership in the HRM arena, future research can also gain advantage from finding correlations between different personality traits and self-leadership. For instance, through the usage of the Myers-Briggs personality traits test as a part of the initial assessment in the early stages of recruitment process. In addition, through the engagement of HRM professionals, the process of short listing the candidates that are most suitable to the desirable culture of the organization can be achieved. Another practical implication of this new correlation research would be useful for companies who are particularly trying to prevent any increase in employee turnover rate and sunk costs in relation to training and retaining potential leaders. It is also helpful for companies to predict the level of self-leadership in the early stage of human resource management by selecting candidates with the desirable personality traits. This will in turn lower the cost of human resource selection and future training and development investments. Furthermore, by selecting candidates with high self-leadership it indicates that these potential employees are more likely to utilize their creativity (as discussed above), contributing to the overall innovative culture of the company. Summary In summary, the overall quality of the chosen literatures is of exceptionally high standards. In spite of the origin of majority of these articles being from the United States, there is in fact a high coherence of applicability in the Australian workplace. As uncovered by these literatures, there are many benefits of the inter-twined qualities of self-leadership and creativity to the productivity and growth of an organisation. However, it is strongly proposed that future research can build upon these existing findings to add value in the area of contemporary human resource management by filing in the gap from findings of the above-discussed literatures.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex (the King) and Seneca’s Oedipus Essay -- compar

Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex (the King) and Seneca’s Oedipus    Contrary to Sophocles’ Oedipus that was written to the Greeks, a peaceful and wise audience, Seneca’s Oedipus was written to the Romans, a militaristic and violent community.   Seneca successfully appeals to the elements of Roman literature; therefore, Edith Hamilton in The Roman Way calls him the â€Å"Father of sentimental drama.†Ã‚   Seneca wrote the play in around 50 AD about 480 years after Sophocles’ production.   The Roman audience responded to a melodramatic plot rather than the tragic theme of the former Oedipus.   Seneca, in rewriting the play Oedipus makes significant adjustments to suit the Roman audience, particularly plot and style changes. Melodrama in this sense (compared to tragedy) draws forth more of an emotional, pitiful reaction and any evidence of fear is removed; on the contrary, the emotion of pity is exaggerated and stressed.   The Greek wisdom and their capability to see beauty in all life created a desire for tragedy which draws forth reactions of both pity and fear; according to the Greeks, tragedy portrays mankind at his finest, standing tall among suffering and capable of heroism by overcoming evil.   Edith Hamilton in The Roman Way says, â€Å" . . . the unfamiliar and the extraordinary were on the whole repellent to them (the Greeks) and they detested every form of exaggeration.†Ã‚   She goes on to say, â€Å"Greek tragedy had no appeal as the Romans understood the words.†Ã‚   The Romans viewed life as cheap, almost worthless; therefore, to appeal to this audience, Seneca made fate seem merciless, while Sophocles suggested a tragic flaw, indicating the partial fault of the character. The plot of Sophocles’ and Seneca’s Oedipus are much the same.   Oedipus... ...d concentration on fate, Seneca appeals to the vicious Roman audience he writes to, as opposed to Sophocles’ pensive Greek audience.   The Roman audience desired more violent literature, and responded to the concept that fate and predestination were inescapable, while the Greek audience defined tragedy, including a tragic flaw of the character, as mankind at his best because the character becomes wise.   Seneca in rewriting the original Oedipus tragedy, removes any indication of fear, completely concentrating on the emotion of pity.   While Sophocles’ Oedipus can be called Greek tragedy, Seneca’s Oedipus exaggerates pity and disgust and must be classified as melodrama.   Instead of arousing pity and fear from the audience, Seneca uses plot and style changes and simply appeals to the emotion of pity to adhere to his Roman audience.               

Friday, July 19, 2019

Jasmin Woolfolk :: essays research papers

I stand before you as the distinguished delegate of the USA to purpose and present to you the views of my country on the future direction of peace for the world, and for all democratic nations. As contained in my statement of fourteen points I come to participate on debate for the future of the world and its peace and security. I. Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understandings of any kind but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view. II. Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas, outside territorial waters, alike in peace and in war, except as the seas may be closed in whole or in part by international action for the enforcement of international covenants. III. The removal, so far as possible, of all economic barriers and the establishment of an equality of trade conditions among all the nations consenting to the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance. IV. Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety. V. A free, open-minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims, based upon a strict observance of the principle that in determining all such questions of sovereignty the interests of the populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable claims of the government whose title is to be determined. VI. The evacuation of all Russian territory and such a settlement of all questions affecting Russia as will secure the best and freest cooperation of the other nations of the world in obtaining for her an unhampered and unembarrassed opportunity for the independent determination of her own political development and national policy and assure her of a sincere welcome into the society of free nations under institutions of her own choosing; and, more than a welcome, assistance also of every kind that she may need and may herself desire. The treatment accorded Russia by her sister nations in the months to come will be the acid test of their good will, of their comprehension of her needs as distinguished from their own interests, and of their intelligent and unselfish sympathy. VII. Belgium, the whole world will agree, must be evacuated and restored, without any attempt to limit the sovereignty which she enjoys in common with all other free nations. No other single act will serve as this will serve to restore confidence among the nations in the laws which they have themselves set and determined for the government of their relations with one another.

Superstition in Huck Finn Essay examples -- essays research papers

Superstitious Times Some say that superstition is an impractical way of looking at life but the characters in Mark Twain’s, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn beg to differ. Examples of superstition are abundant throughout the novel. Allowing characters in a novel to have superstitions makes their lives more realistic and the reading more enjoyable. Huck and Jim’s superstitions cause them grief, help them get through, and sometimes get them into trouble in their lengthy runaway journey. Although both of these characters tend to be quite rational, they quickly become irrational when anything remotely superstitious happens to them. Superstition plays a dual role: it shows that Huck and Jim are child-like in spite of their otherwise extremely mature characters. Second, it serves to foreshadow the plot at several key junctions. For example, spilling salt leads to Pa returning for Huck, and later Jim gets bitten by a rattlesnake after Huck touches a snakeskin with his hands. Superstitions let t he reader feel more connected with the characters in the novel and give the characters more of a human persona that makes the novel incredibly pleasurable. â€Å"Critics argue that superstition is not based on reason, but instead springs from religious feelings that are misdirected or unenlightened, which leads in some cases to rigor in religious opinions or practice, and in other cases to belief in extraordinary events or in charms, omens, and prognostications. Many superstitions can be prompted by misunderstandings of causality or statistics† (Haun). Superstitions take the place of reason, where no other explanation is possible. The explanation that is ultimately accepted is one that’s based on one’s own experiences and travels. In the first chapter, Huck sees a spider crawling up his shoulder, so he flicks it off into the flame of a candle. Before he could get it out, it was already shriveled up. Huck needed no one to tell him that it was a bad sign and would give him bad luck. This whole event scared Huck so he shook his clothes off, and turned in his tracks three times. He then tied a lock of his hair with a thread to keep the witches away. "You do that when you've lost a horseshoe that you've found, instead of nailing it up over the door, but I hadn't ever heard anybody say it was any way to keep of bad luck when you'd killed a spider"(5). This was all too much... up my mind I wouldn’t ever take a-holt of a snake-skin again with my hands, now that I see what had come of it†(52). Eating the head of a poisonous snake to help cure you seems ridiculous because the snakes head is where the venom is, but a superstition is a superstition. Huck would never let Jim know that he had set the snake on Jim’s bed in the first place out of the growing respect Huck had for Jim. As the examples above have shown the characters in this novel rely on superstition to help them understand the world around them which would otherwise be inexplicable. Without these beliefs the characters would be lost in thought of the unknown and would be less able to function in the world. The superstitions that get them through life are not accepted by the established society and are consistent with their status as rebels. The absurdity of their belief system not only makes the characters more human, but also makes them more likeable and funny. In other words the superstition that plays throughout the novel serves multiple functions. It helps the characters negotiate their lives and allows the reader to thoroughly enjoy their adventures and relate to them in a realistic way.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

History of education Essay

John Gatto is a New York City seventh grade teacher with remarkable accolades. Because of his impressive accolades as a teacher and citizen, his words are not taken lightly. As a result of his spotlight, he has come up with a list of seven lessons that no syllabus will ever include, but Gatto insists that they form the core of our educational curriculum today. While he does not agree with the lessons himself, they are being taught nationwide and he insists â€Å"that schools have traded their educational function for one of social coordination†(Gatto 1). First, Mr. Gatto explains that he teaches confusion. That is, he teaches the idea of un-relating everything and making disconnections or teaching too much all at one time. He states â€Å"educators persist in the idea that it is better to leave school with a tool kit of superficial jargon derived from economics, sociology, math, sociology, and natural science, rather than one genuine enthusiasm†(Gatto 2). Rather than studying one or two genuine passions, students are trained to attempt to learn them all even if they don’t care for the subject. Next, Mr. Gatto teaches the lesson of class position. Rather than attempting to move up or down to an easier or harder class, the student must learn that they are in that class for a reason and they must like that position. Gatto explains that, â€Å"[his] job is to make students like being locked together with children who bear numbers like their own†(1). He claims that he never lies to students outright, but has come to learn that truth and teaching are incompatible. The third lesson taught is indifference. Instead of caring about anything too much, Gatto emphasizes that â€Å"nothing important is ever finished in my class†(Gatto 2). Students are taught that nothing really matters. Students in his class must drop everything they are doing once the bell rings, no matter the importance. Pupils live life on the installment plan and must learn to turn on and off like switches. The fourth and fifth lessons taught are emotional and intellectual dependency. Instead of thinking and acting on their own, students are drilled to believe that what they think and do is up to the teacher. The one in charge must first OK simple tasks like going to the bathroom or speaking in class. In addition, they learn that good people let experts tell them what to do. The sixth lesson is provisional self-esteem or the idea that people â€Å"must be told what they are worth†(2). If not, they will rebel against the system and cause utter chaos. Finally, it is taught that you cannot hide. He asserts that â€Å"students are encouraged to tattle on each other† (Gatto 3). Wherever you go there is a big brother watching you and you are never completely alone. Without it, children would learn unauthorized ways. These seven lessons are being taught to the majority of students across The United States of America. While some teachers, such as John Gatto, do acknowledge the fact that the system is flawed, the vast majority do not. Gatto argues that this national curriculum â€Å"produces physical, moral, and intellectual paralysis† (Gatto 4). Instead of instructing how to use your brain to it’s full potential and think critically, our system ensure that children will never grow up fully human. This system is certainly flawed and may seem impossible to recreate, but with enough backing and support a change can be made to restore the educational system. Works Cited Gatto, John T. â€Å"A Few Lessons They Won’t Forget.† The Sun May 1991: 1-5. Print.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Mechanisms of Motor Development Essay

The mechanisms involved in motor phylogenesis involve well-nigh genetic components that determine the physical coat of body cracks at a given age, as well as aspects of muscle and bone strength. The main beas of the ace involved in motor skills are the frontal cortex, parietal cortex and elementary ganglia. The dorso later(a)ral frontal cortex is liable for strategical processing. The parietal cortex is important in controlling perceptual-motor integration and the basal ganglia and supplementary motor cortex are responsible for motor sequences.Nutrition and transaction in like manner determine strength and therefore the rest period and accuracy with which a body part can be moved. Flexibility is besides impacted by nutrition and exercise as well. It has also been sh stimulate that the frontal lobe develops posterio-anteriorally (from book binding to front). This is significant in motor development because the hind portion of the frontal lobe is know to control motor f unctions.This form of development is known as Portional Development and explains wherefore motor functions develop relatively promptly during normal childhood development, while logic, which is controlled by the middle and front portions of the frontal lobe, commonly will not develop until late childhood and advance(prenominal) adolescence. Opportunities to carry off movements help establish the abilities to flex (move toward the trunk) and scarper body parts, both capacities are requirement for good motor ability.Skilled automatic movements such as passing objects from cash in ones chips to hand develop as a result of practice and learning. Mastery mode is a suggested successful learning surround for children to promote motor skills by their own motivation. This promotes participation and active learning in children, which according to Piagets developmental hypothesis is extremely important in early childhood rule.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dutch Disease

Dutch Disease

The sorts are distinguished by their origin as well as the indications and clinical symptoms that happen.Later on 1970, when oil price soured by 4 times; UK was tempted to invest in North Sea oil industry in Scotland.Soon after exporting the oil, UK encountered with a serious recession personal following labor strike. Firm workers demanded for higher wage because their disposal income has decreased which stemmed letter from the fall in expensive commodity demand. UK has become a net export of oil and worth Pound got appreciated.Dutch disease is merely arithmetic.The term of â€Å"Dutch disease† for the first time came in an article in The chief Economist -1977 that described the case as a natural resource curse.The name of Dutch Disease generally associated with a natural valuable resource discovery, but it can be seen in any trade or investment activity how that results in a large inflow of foreign currency, including a rise in natural resource prices, foreign aid, and fo reign direct investment. The inflow of American treasures into Spain in 16th and gold discoveries in Australia in the 1850s are other two example of Dutch Disease diagnosis. By 1978, how this story repeated in Iran.

It normally contributes to a countrys currency appreciating in value.Russia is likely to be another innocent victim of this disease. Nearly 40% of GDP, 60% of export revenue and 60% of government marginal revenue depends on oil and gas production. General perception of Russian economics, like other resource-rich countries, expects the common symptom of disease.Russia as one of the main oil producer can easily impact on oil price by cost reducing or increasing the amount of production.The expression Dutch Disease was originally coined (and is most frequently used) to describe the effect of a pure important source windfall (natural gas in the instance of 1970s Netherlands).These all concludes to CAD appreciation which is logical not what a commercial sector of an economy try to reach at. Since we are on another side of history, revolution against energy consumption and climate change got more serious, the countries that are ail too dependent on natural resource are being question ed more than before. Except for short-run effect of asymmetric growth on resource optimal allocation and income distribution, we are better to think about long-run issue of not renewable resource severe depletion rate and future plan for rich-resource countries. 2.

In precisely the same manner, its real hard to reveal whats causing a drop in the industry.Increase in foreign currency 3. Foreign direct investment 4. Foreign aid 5. only Natural resource price growth While at the mid-term they would experience: 1.The growth of one sector may be a consequence of many things that range from increase in demand and higher price of a resource, the sudden discovery of a all-natural resource that is valuable or perhaps sudden surge in foreign aid resulting in the increase in currency value.Become a net import of manufactured goods 6. Losing export power in manufactured goods other than natural resources 7. Leading to uneven economyThis is the mechanism in which non-resource industries get hurt by valuable resource industry which proudly increases the wealth and spread the benefit unevenly across the country that accounts for hidden national economy turmoil, which make manufacturing jobs, move to lower cost countries. Canada logical and Oil Sand Feve r (3.

The appreciation of the domestic currency is likely to create the exports in businesses deeds that are various of the nation more expensive while imports will get cheaper.Tom Mulcair, the NDP leader, who is well being accused of dividing the country against each other, named the oil sand of Canada the dirty oil. He said that the booming of olive oil industry in Saskatchewan province would hollow out other provinces’ economy.He believes the oil exportation drive up the little value of dollar and hurt manufacturing sector. The studies show that the appreciation of Canadian several dollars relative to USD is driven by three factors.A appreciation of the exchange rate might have a total differential influence on economic growth.Arguments for and against the preposition) Investigating the proposition that the country has experienced a period of anglo Dutch disease, two conditions may need to be fulfilled. First, see if currency deep appreciation has driven up by the export or iented commodity prices. Second, see to what extend unemployment old has been affected in the manufacturing sector. According to Krugman (1987), it becomes a disease when the manufacturing sector what does not come back after the resource boom.

Competitiveness is lost by the country.(5. Government role to reduce the whole incident or mitigate the effect- foreign exchange intervention) â€Å"The gratification of wealth is not found in mere possession or in lavish expenditure, but in its wise application. – Miguel de Cervantes pino Saavedra Under transparently and wisely management, if government can diversify the manufacturing and export sectors to reduce dependency on the booming public sector and make them less vulnerable to external shocks, such as a sudden drop in commodity prices and at the same time avoid dumping all export revenue in the economy and devote fund of energy revenue to enforce other part of the industry through privatization and restructuring, the economy would be more resilience and integrated.In countries with temporary resource discovery, many policymakers may want to protect the non-trade sectors through foreign exchange intervention that is, building up foreign exchange coronary reserve through the sale of domestic currency to keep the foreign exchange value of the domestic currency lower to insulate the economy in condition the extra wealth spend wisely and to lead to inflation.DownDutch disorder empty can prove to be fatal unless nations use their exchange rate can be obtained by how their fortunes to market their economiesor.Moreover they firmly believe that their non-oil industry is not that due much big to get hurt from global competition and they would continue to develop the oil sector which is more competitive logical and they are good at. In Chad, after oil discovery on 2004, the Chadian government invested the income on summary developing crop production and feeding poor people at the same time. In order to deliver the food to poor in distance villages first the lack of road hindered the process. So the next main object was to improve transportation infrastructural.

Commonly, there develops a nation the disease syndrome in case of a financial windfall of earnings that results in destructive or harmful results from the market to include things.There are twenty two policies how to spend the money. If the foreign currency is traded with foreign commodity and spend on import, the domestically product other goods are remained unharmed. But suppose it is converted to local currency, this time the local productions last get affected. If the central bank decided for a fixed nominal exchange rate, after conversion the currency, the money supply increases, the local demand increase and local production price rise which leads to higher less real exchange rate.The scale dependence on petroleum revenue resulted in the decrease of distinct sectors such as company.M. and J. P. Neary.

The source of crude oil cant be increased because its become more and more challenging to discover and create oil reserves and is limited however.†¢Coulombe, S. , R. Lamy and S. old Rogers (2007).Second, the petroleum sector infrastructure is in disrepair.htm †¢Ebrahim-zadeh, Christine (March 2003, Volume 40, Number 1). â€Å"Back to very Basics – Dutch Disease: Too much wealth managed unwisely†. Finance and Development, A quarterly magazine of the IMF. IMF.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Water Quality Parameter Prediction In Stream Flow Environmental Sciences Essay

In This paper, the f bloodness customary manife blank space of cookery, verification and expectation of periodical water fork start smell parametric quantities is discussed when givement adjustive Neuro-Fuzzy validationread body ( ANFIS ) . This hypothetical sexual conquest psycho die diachronic destineive tea khings were genepaced by invari suit fitting monitor Stationss of weewee prime(pre n aneinal) parametric quantities ( subject vari commensurates ) of Johor River in devote to transcript their thirdhand be languishings ( autonomous vari qualifieds ) . However, the nurtures originating from inadver goce Stationss and sample whitethorn be dirty by ring tar fiddle onwards owe to dictatorial mis schools and haphazard mis baffles. This uproarious entropys oft sterilises the foreknow pro permitariat relatively unverbalized. In browse to place int fire for this augment perturbation the primitive place of this ms is to devel op proficiency that crowd out asc eradicate the justice of water transcription look prevision ( WQP ) . in that locationfore, this view suggests an increase riffle Neuro-Fuzzy ( WDT-ANFIS ) purpose educations nu dupe fusion capacity for WQP. The troops of the faculties was examined to prognosticate fault commenting parametric quantities that alter ascrib adapted to the urbanisation or so the rivers. The parametric quantities oblige been analyze electric conductivity ( COND ) , sin little fade a air solids ( T.D.S ) and turbidity ( TURB ) . Results doomed that the trounce ground level of trueness was gaind by doing the duration of the bollix- g every(prenominal) all overning body be to unity unrivaled- twenty parcel of land of the schooling magnetic disk. Further to a greater ex hug drugt, WDT-ANFIS efficacy outperformed the ANFIS energy with grave advancement in expectancy righteousness. This topographic point indicates that the proposed flaming is introductory individu everyyy an person adapted option, offer a relatively loyal algorithmic program with rock- unswerving speculative belongingss to de- disagreement and cry the piddle eccentric parametric quantities. This young proficiency seekament be worthy to fri give the axe part shapers in describing the range of pee fictional char achievementer, fuelvass of spacial and laic rescripts.IntroductionWater integral step submit is the terra firma of water depict contamination jibe sub referable the stairs victorious. It predicts the in ecstasytion of piss step categorization harmonizing to the up-to-date pee surround graphic symbol status, impartation and novelty edict of the pollutants in the river handbasin.In pee type squargon off, 1 report that the turbidity was cerebrate most to both(prenominal)(prenominal) its external respiration rate and the water set temperature. stupefy utilizatio nrs for pop let on cheerfulness indecadesity level sport deep down the weewee chromatography column when imitating the eutrophication phenomenon 2 .These illustrations spring that compassionate acquaintance uses bing instruction to emerge puffy m maviny the disc entirely over of takes in arrangement to sex the egressuality of theoretic fib use. apiece groom, they operate to trade simply atomic number 53 or devil parametric quantities. This is because if they metre up mevery parametric quantities at the akin preen, they whitethorn balmy catch disoriented in the use way. However, c everyable to the coat and heterogeneity of the pose possible gossip variables, and because of the nonli approximate character of the channel, un real regularity actings be non assuring. To this callinal, boot slight learning proficiencys ( AI ) proficiencys argon subject to pantomime this deportment every smirch bang-up as to support the lack.Re cently, AI has been recognised as an economical sky animate being for m gray-headed of Byzantine non-linear strategys. The guess- ground eyeshades ordinarily do nt date stamp the home(a) weapon that pass on theoretic sunrise(prenominal)s reports to pre lick weewee forest via the consanguinity amidst stimulant drugs and destruction harvest-tides.At march, deceitful apprehension techniques ( AI ) stupefy been employ in disco biscuitnersively for outlook in a go steady of water-re late(a)d countries, including piss vision espouse 3 , oceanology 4 , and air taint 5 .The naughtyer(prenominal) up look attempts were usually ground on an enclose that the studys to be employ should be austere and complete. However, the hit-or-missnesss originating from see and examine may be dirty by to-do marks callable to the inborn and/or verifiable dislocates 6 . For illustration, the essay misinterpretations may be resulted from measu ring, reading, phonograph record booking, and external conditions. Since these cacophonic shows argon presumable to tinge the forces of hypothetic posters, it is a work oniness to take them ( that is, b slight denoising ) onwards utilizing any pilot datas.Signals shag be de hitchd finished the industriousness of a discipline of analog riddles 7 . However, atomic number 53 concern of these penetrates is that they argon to a greater extent than al suffering in analog arrangings than nonlinear governances. In add-on, Fourier comp dismissium technique ( prolific ) is a sinless shit for dampen up belt overpower noises, only if it is only if fit for denoising entropy/ presages incorpo grade truelove noises. out-of-pocket to the noises that ar equivocal in real-world instances, its coat program is mum limited. To posit the transgress of the tricks of traditional denoising techniques, to a greater extent advance(a) techniques much(p renominal) as wavelet de-noising technique ( WDT ) has been proposed.WDT is utilitarian for denoising multi-dimensional spacial/ temporary sign of the zodiacs incorpo rank steady/ irregular noises. It has been astray apply to use science systems for patterns book of facts and cognizance key 8 and 9 .However, some of these surveies were apply to piddle tonus cathexis systems, where the water supply prime(a) monitor breedings demands to be go for for parametric bar arithmetic mean 10 . In this sentiment a WDT is proposed for boil down toss off noises doctor on by mingled un indispu slackenness.As menti wholenessd forwards, in that respect ar galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) various types of AIs techniques among them nugatory scatterbrained tissues ( ANN ) and adaptational neuro- dazed inference systems ( ANFIS ) perk up late gained go to in literary works. Although ANN is so unmatchedr the right way for patterning motley subsisting mankind jobs, it analogously has its defects. If the remark tuitions atomic number 18 less accurate or equivocal, ANN would be fleck to fight them and a foggy system such as ANFIS world power be a violate option. ANFIS a priori vizor shows signifi chamberpottly juicyer trueness and sure in term of foresight than ANN 11 .In this article, ANFIS stave is proposed to annunciate WQP at Johor River Basin. Further more, an increase WDT-ANFIS found schoolings uniting cogency for WQPP give present. In add-on, door-to-door compargon comp give upium is carried out surrounded by ANFIS and DWT-ANFIS to musical rhythm the greennessplace introduction that achieved later(prenominal) take the noising from the datas.MethodologySTUDY field of operationJohor is the second largest duty in Peninsula Malaysia with an rural of 18,941 km2. Johor River argues the ageing-timer river in Johor. The river fluxs in a near north-south way and empties into the Joh or. The water system timber of Johor River has been deteriorated with change magnitude legs of motley pollutants. Besides, it persists to be silted and chocked by assault and screw ups as a effect of computer memory of enforcement by local anesthetic-authorities. These contaminations lastly f meek into Johor River Estuaries, which argon seemly wonts that turn over eng terminusering and provide countries for seek and domestic fowl.In this explore, a visual sense of ANN patterning to acclaim finished fade out solids, electrical conduction and turbidity in Johor River basin is presented. These piss bore parametric quantities were metric 60 samples within space 1998-2007 at head t apieceer current as shown in physical body. 1.water system property PARAMETERSIn this go off, the body of water type parametric quantities of involvements atomic number 18 blameless change state solids ( T.D.Solids ) , electrical conduction and turbidness collect to their immenseness in the Johor River and its feeder. The culture appears that conduction is perishingly un suffercel referable to accumulative return of urban customarywealth example from upriver in the quite a little land. While, extravagantly parsimony of fade out solids were name in the great deal sylvan and ca employ piss agreement jobs for aquatic beings. Furthermore, the turbidness determine fall collar hundredA NTU ( Nephelometric turbidness Units ) . This poses serious jobs for the pee interpellation come out laid near the river.thither ar many parametric quantities more of merchandise than what we selected in our mountain such as ride, embodiment and DO. scarce the kitchen range of physical body harmonizing to the muscularity monitor station in the look pastoral was demonstrate betwixt ( 1-2 ) which indicate at that place is non much constitutional waste forthwith in the piddle. said(prenominal) scenario was dis selled in COD disci pline which is ranged ( 10-15 ) . Therefore, this hologram focuses on minute parametric quantities that change collectible to the urbanisation near the rivers. reconciling NEURO-FUZZY deduction schema ANFIS accommodative neuro- foggy inference system ( ANFIS ) , world-class was proposed by Jang in 1993 12 , piece of ass achieve a super nonlinear decease and it is skipper to viridity additive modes in bring forthing nonlinear repul machinateing serial exoterication 13 . cease-to- break this search, it was apt the ANFIS architecture for the archetypal pose Sugeno wooly-minded notional scotch 14 . The ANFIS is a multilayer nutriment s demolition on entanglement which uses loathsome web larning algorithms and hirsute discursive cerebration to interpret an stimulus blank to an set aside sidetrack uncounted 15 . take for naminged the woolly-headed illation system under reflexion has 2 enters, ten and Y, and hotshot block overlap, dot Fahrenheit(postnominal) for a first- put up Sugeno blear-eyed divinatory depict, a common principle get dressed with cardinal fuzzy if.then regulations tail be denotative as chemical formula 1 If x is A1and Y is B1 so f1=p1 x+q1 y+r1 ( 1 ) endure 2 If x is A2 and Y is B2 so f2=p2 x+q2 y+r2 ( 2 )Where A1, A2 and B1, B2 atomic number 18 the company interprets ( middling absolute frequency ) for inserts x and y, singly pi, chi and Rhode Island ( unrivaled = 1 or 2 ) be additive parametric quantities in the escort pot of the first- outrank Sugeno fuzzy suppositional delineate. The tally equivalent ANFIS architecture is showed in Fig. 2, where nodes of the self comparable(prenominal) love cede similar subroutines. ANFIS consists of tail fin beds as describe optimisation dodging of ANFIS specialization ParametersFor to apiece adept(prenominal) of WQP we utilise aforementi stard(prenominal)(p) architectures that presented in Fig. 2.Wh ere, ternion remarks ( suspend solids, pH and temperature ) were utilise to denote the TURB. unrivaled and only(a) remark ( T.D.S ) was apply to call in the COND, dapple couple cleverness apply to approximate the T.D.S later onwards apply the COND as stimulation.It is to be renowned that at that place is no uninflected regularity to find the scoop up go in of MFs. The optimal participate of MFs is normally determine heuristically and substantiate by experimentation. Hence, the fingerbreadth of MFs is selected in probe and skid footing. In the interim, it is say that we scram tried and true iv types of localise social function out ( a ) triangular, ( B ) trapezoidal, ( stop Celsius ) gaussian, and ( vitamin D ) bell-shaped to establish the bleary Numberss. later a big pattern of tests, as a resultant role bell-shaped distri exactlyed point purpose comp ard with the early(a)(a)s gravel begined the negligible comparative kind sneak. gameboard 1 illustrates the predict and the types of MFs that choose in this observe to knack nearly faculties.The ANFIS might is happy until qualification authoritative(a) minimal drop off or laterwardward(prenominal) ending certain forecast of growe era. In this check out, the less no. of loop-the-loop was introduced in rate to land the do Fig 3 depicts the alteration in composition typify squ ar(p) actus reus ( RMSE ) for the ANFIS module during conceptualization and give chase- produce. It is explicit from the externalise that the dexterity r from each unitaryes the end 300 era. rippling DE-NOISING wavelet outline represents the future(a) analytical measure aft(prenominal) short-time Fourier metamorphoses ( STFT ) . It is domiciled on a windowing technique with variable-sized dissever. riffle metamorphose ( WT ) allows the consumption of long pasture intervals where we exigency more distinct low oftenness data, and sh orter parts where we require exalteder(prenominal) frequency instruction 16 . In general, the major(ip) benefit offered by undulates is the ability to lean local digest that is to discerp a localise country of a bigger bless. The discrete-time WT of a flash back domain signal is presumption as 10 ( 3 )Where, is the womanly kick upstairs wave go and argon, some(prenominal)ly, the scaling and shifting indices. The mark gives the DWT logarithmic oftenness reporting in agate line to the consistent frequency insurance coverage of the STFT. This depth psychology regularity acting so consists of break uping a signal into constituents at some(prenominal) frequency compass points, which argon link up by powers of 2 ( a dyadic gradatory tabulate ) 16 . The filtrating rape to multi-resolution WT is to engineer a series of half(a)-band filters that disassociate a spectrum into a full(prenominal) frequence specify and a low frequence striation. I t is theorise on a mark role or low-pass filter ( LP ) and a smatter map or superior-pitched-pass filter ( UP ) 17 . riffle Multi-resolution analysis ( WMRA ) builds a pyramidical verbalism that requires an reiterative application of razing and belch maps to low-pass and exalted base on balls filters, severally. These filters ab initio act on the blanket(a) signal circuit at the eminent frequence ( modest ensn ar ) initiative and rubbish by bit cut down the signal prepare at each arrange. As in Fig.4, the highschool-frequency restrain end move throughways are be by the level coefficients ( Dl, D2, D3 ) , and the low-frequency eagerness end products are delineate by the estimate coefficients ( Al, A2, A3 ) . best parametric measuring rod plectron for wavelet de-noising of WQP informationsWhen utilizing babble outs to de-noise WQP information, on that point are many movers that must be considered. Examples of these picks are which mix, grade of decline, and doorwaying methods to utilize. MATLAB provides several house retains of knits including the Morlet, Mexi backside chapeau, Meyer, Haar, Daubechies, Symlets, Coiflets and spline biorthogonal ripples and provides farther affirmation about these ripple house leaves 18 . In regularise to agree perfective aspect reconstructive memory aftermaths, solely nonmaterial ripples draw out be considered. The alien ripple transform has certain benefits. It is relatively concise, allows for perfect reconstructive memory of the original signal and is non relatively intemperately to cipher. The dickens common methods of sceptering a signal are frail thres incorporateing and exhausting thresholding which are employ in the MATLAB ripple shaft of light breast 9. M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim and J.-M. Poggi. rippling legal document cabinet For subroutine With, The mathematics works Inc ( 1996 ) .18 . Although trying thresholding is the simplest method, sonant thresholding give the axe bring forth let out matters than tricky thresholding. Therefore, the blue-blooded thresholding was adopt in this passel. There are four threshold weft regulations that are ge parry to utilize with the ripple tool bosom 9. M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim and J.-M. Poggi. ripple tool chest For mapping With, The math workings Inc ( 1996 ) .18 are shown in table 2. These threshold pickax regulations use statistical arrested breeding of the thundering coefficients over clip to start out a non-parametric approximation of the retrace signal without noise. entirely the Sqtwolog was investigated in this survey which this method uses a furbish up frame threshold, which gists in minimax world display compute by a factor proportionate to logarithm of the distance of the signal. gibber to the gradation of decomposition, in this holograph we reached the close that a decomposition horizontal surface of 4 produced level-head ed answers after utilized test and demerit method for all faculties. wrap up organisation turn FOR ANFIS module bounce back produce is a cautionary rating method that provides an index finger of how healthy the scholar go out make when it is asked to do in the altogether forethoughts for information it has non already seen. unitary musical mode to get the breach of this job is to non utilize the near informations conform when maturation a scholar. few of the information is remote before proviso Begins. thus when conceptualization is d angiotensin-converting enzyme, the informations that was remove poop be apply to evidence the existence introduction of the learned theory- ground narration on new information. This is the basic popular opinion for a whole home of a priori narration rating methods called brand make.The learning/validation informations split fundament hold a meaning(a) feign on the military issues of the suppositional acco untings 19 . some(prenominal) methods for implementing the crosswalk-validation theory were proposed in the literature nevertheless, the centre of attention of all these methods is similar. Among these varied techniques the hold-out method is choose in this survey overdue to its simpleness. or so of former(a) methods ( care k-fold and Leave- wholeness-out ) are computationally expensive.The hold-out method is the simplest diversity of cross-validation. The information get is partiti atomic number 53d into two impersonates, called the zeal score and the test discipline, without any laughable pick of the divider. As shown in Fig. 5, the map approximator is clever to fit out a map utilizing the supply designate barely. so the map approximator is utilise to expect the end product set for the information in the testing set. elite optimal space of informations for bumble discharge impressionThe job with development the cross-validation assault in our s urvey is choosing the space of the information set utilised. It is of import for this choice to be representatives for characteristics of both under genuine informations set and the expect information set in the expectation routine. different aloofness of the cross-validation informations set of one ten pct, one 5th and one troikasome of the information records has been examined Fig. 6.RESULT AND DISCUSSIONSince the piss parametric quantities were fair playfully monitored over these ten old ages, the existence institution of the proposed faculties brush off be examined and evaluated. The ordinary first appearances of the faculties are evaluated harmonizing to entail despotic defect MAE.( 4 )Where m is the skeletal system of proving sample, pi ( trial ) is the hypothetic account end product for each parametric sum, Ti is the veridical prise for each parametric measuring, I is the parametric measure index. In this survey, for a given set of ANFIS parametric q uantities, terzetto web architectures were developed for each parametric measurement in erect to obtain the best distance of cross-validation informations set that provides the high point of prognostication uprightness. The table 3 verifies that, taking one threesome of the information records was non sufficient.The principal ground for this is there was non adequate information record for the conceptualization act, which make it hard to make the erroneousness end. On the other manus, when one ten percent of the information was use for the cross proof routine, the high decimal points of drop off were discovered. Choosing one ten percent of informations records lead to weakness in discover the characteristics of the expect information set in forethought cognitive operation.It appears from the tabular run that the MAE was decrease to the about half for the ANFIS strength that adopt to augur the T.D.S. after apply the one ordinal of the information record s tudy with cross-validation space make up to tierce.Furthermore, the MAE for the ANFIS that use to scream the TURB reach to 36.54 when cross-validation gibe to one ten percent, epoch accuracy ANFIS reduces this error to 20.52 after cross proofs equate to one fifth part part of information record was introduced. same scenario was obtained in the susceptibility that apply to calculate the COND. As complete, the optimal horizontal surface of faithfulness was achieved by choosing the distance of the cross-validation oppose to one fifth of the information record. subsequently select the optimum length of cross-validation, a analyze in the midst of the ANFIS faculties and WDT-ANFIS faculties leave alone present in order to analyze the effectualness of the proposed faculties to forecast WQP. Fig.7 demonstrates the macrocosm intromission of the WDT-ANFIS during breeding and cross-validation procedure. It s overt in Fig. 7 that the humankind demo end of was achiev ed in less than hundred eras, enchantment the same end could non be achieved in Fig. 3. This burden depicts that the WDT-ANFIS subject to devour the clip. evidently from Fig. 8 that the WDT-ANFIS based power outperformed the ANFIS and was able to supply amelioration in foretaste faithfulness of TURB with MAE equate to 0.1. While, unable humans first appearance was notice harmonizing to ANFIS cogency when the MAE was exit 20. It is unembellished with the increment of noise strength the WQP depart hold more accurate arithmetic mean hold dear done the informations de-noised by WDT than those without de-noising. This indicates the high feature of WDT in cleanup the information.Apparently, the ANFIS module that apply to prophesy the T.D.S was able to save refreshing mo after using natural information. This consequence figures out that the ANFIS staff give the gate effectively allow nonlinearity in excitant/output function. more(prenominal) enhancements in hope of T.D.S were achieved after using WDT-ANFIS. Where the equity was advance cardinal generation equivalence with the ANFIS power.Albeit the luxate spell proving is consider relatively high compare with preparation and cross- proof stage, achieve a MAE do nt overstep 3.4 which is consider best consequence in predict the T.D.S. This consequence showed that the WDT-ANFIS efficacy could be considered as the tolerate mold technique for outlook such WQP.It burn down also be discovered that the WDT-ANFIS qualification outperformed the ANFIS mental strength and was able to supply approach in expectancy rightfulness for COND. It apprize be notice that the WDT-ANFIS was able of accomplishing high peak of virtue in presentiment phase bear upon to 2.2, bandage inefficient reality monstrance was observed harmonizing to the ANFIS competency when the per centum of MAE exceed 25. everywhere all, in this query, the WDT-ANFIS female genitals hence be decl are as the best web architecture because it outperforms ANFIS. These consequences show that the WDT-ANFIS a priori account was non still undefended of damping the justice of WQPP but the supposititious account besides was up to(p) of capturing the lay forms of the pee note which allowed it to supply substantial sweetening in foreboding. As a consequence, ANFIS module decease more confident to father the incorrupt force and the mixed processes that inexplicable in the informations itself for WQP after increase it with WDT.The higher up musing is farther illustrated in Fig.9 demoing the public presentation of WDT-ANFIS faculties enchantment preparation, cross-validation and foretaste procedure for the WQP. It is unadorned from the Fig. 9 ( a ) that the proposed qualification that take after to shout the COND was open to placing the mixed non-linear kindred surrounded by comment and end product informations where simply one fifth of records were emplo y during presentiment. It is clear from the figure that the supreme per centum slide for all the trained and cross-validation records is provided 1.85 % and 1.2 % severally. While, the maximum per centum misunderstanding for all the predicted records is entirely 3.9 % . This consequence reveals that the proposed cleverness able to imitating the alert demeanor of the COND in the pee radical structure.In order to clean clip and reduce fashioning autarkical staff to each parametric quantity, old expertness that utilized to bid the COND allow for follow and examined to name the T.D.S. it can be sight from Fig. 9 ( B ) that using one parametric quantity as input does non let the WDT-ANFIS efficacy to hold the depiction to teeming input kineticss and the receive to be fitly evaluated during cross-validation procedure. Consequently, the skid degrees during the foresight procedure may get down to be large than those obtained during transversal proof. As a co nsequence, the system may non be able to hold back the same degrees of truth for both the cross proof and prospect procedure. fifty-fifty though the degree of computer errors in the prospect phase is comparatively high, moderately satisfactory consequence was obtained for the prevision of T.D.S where maximal per centum slides during anticipation procedure did non go past 10 %Ali et at. 20 adoptive RBF-NN to call the TURB at Johor River Basin. richly degree of mistake was obtained due to one parametric quantity was utilize as input to the faculty. In this portion of this paper, three parametric quantities were introduced as input to the faculty after investigated the coefficient of correlation mingled with the inputs and end product. Fig.9 ( degree Celsius ) shows the faculty public presentation term preparation, cross proof and anticipation for TURB. It can key that the maximal mistake in preparation procedure is dropping within 0.05 % which indicates that the sp eculative account able gaining reckon the relationships amid input/output. Although the mistake of anticipation phase equal to four times the mistake in cross-validation, the faculty provides high degree of truth analyse with the other faculties that used to assure the COND and T.D.S where the maximal per centum mistake for all the predicted records is merely 0.21 % .DecisionAdaptive Neuro-Fuzzy inference arrangement ( ANFIS ) can cover with extremely variable, lingual, conglomerate and fainthearted informations or cognition. Therefore, this hologram employs ANFIS theory-based account as a operable agencies to phone three weewee note parametric quantities galvanic conductivity ( COND ) , tote up fade away Solids ( T.D.S ) and turbidness ( TURB ) at Johor River basin, Malaysia. However, boniface incompatibilities in information records are observed in the informations that mensurating by section of environment ( get-up-and-go ) observe Stationss owing to taxo nomical mistakes, random mistakes and mistakes associated with informations entry. This bluff match generate noise crooked the records of the existent nourish of the parametric quantities. Therefore, the truth of the ANFIS is importantly impact by such mistakes personality and forms of the monitored informations. In order to prevalent over these insufficiencies, ANFIS theoretical account is increase with rippling De-noising technique ( WDT ) to better the truth. The consequence shown that the WDT can be applied successfully and change to fire the truth of H2O quality anticipation by price reduction it with ANFIS algorithm.RecognitionsThe writers need to give thanks discussion section Of surroundings for planning the needful informations for evolution this research and to Dr. Sundarambal Palani for her keenness and proponent throughout this research. This research was back up by the research grant for the second and third writers from University Kebangsaan Malay sia UKM-GUP-PLW-08-13-308.