Monday, September 30, 2019

Original writing Essay

   I desperately waited for the answer. â€Å"Laura†¦ has been murdered† I was speechless once again†¦ come on honey, think, you’ve been in this situation before. My brain started to hurt, I was in utter confusion. She was only 9 years old and she was a Buddhist, she had no health problems, she had no enemies†¦ well not that I could think of†¦ 20 seconds from then has just gone passed without any speech, I received a fax from the south, it was a picture, I took it, I gazed at it in horror. What I saw was something that would never leave my mind. It was a picture of my best friend, brutally murdered†¦ a piece of her body probably her arm had been cut into almost equal boxes of about 10 cm each and placed in a certain way to spell something†¦ something that still continues today†¦. the LTT. LTT is the Liberation Tigers of Tamil, a terrorist organization in Sri Lanka that began in 1970 as a student protest over the limited university access for Tamil students; currently seeks to establish an independent Tamil state; relies on guerrilla strategy including terrorist tactics that target key government and military personnel; â€Å"the Tamil Tigers perfected suicide bombing as a weapon of war†. They attack the southern part of Sri Lanka where there are many Buddhists, Muslims and Catholic. I never thought the LTT would have gotten this far†¦. but they have. The questions and the disappointment that reached my brain were agonizing. I thought she trusted me, I thought she would tell me everything, I thought she would never doubted me. I thought she told me that there was NO ENEMIES, although I did know she had her little plans for peace, but not clearly. That instance I realised†¦ all these years of knowing each other was a bogus †¦ we didn’t really no each other†¦ if we did†¦ then why am I so confused? 1. Today is the 22nd of August 2002, 9:15 pm. I stared at the newspaper in my bedroom. The newspaper†¦ I remember it’s the last thing we were talking about before we left, you were very clever for your age, I valued your words highly, I sure didn’t seem to care about them, but I did keep it in my head, that’s the only thing I have to remind myself of you. Remember once you were reading this newspaper about enlightenment? You gave me the English section; I thought it was pretty stupid, I remember reading it, and putting it away. Do you also remember the next day you went home angry at me for putting curd in your shoes and tying the shoelaces together? I felt bad okay, I waited with the newspaper for you to come back and give it to you, as stupid as it may sound of giving you an old newspaper, I kept it in a way to apologize to you after annoying you and show you that I do take care of your things†¦. but you never came back. I can’t ask you anymore, the answers to the questions, the answers to this mystery, and the answers to life. I can’t talk to you no more, Mum will think I’m gone insane because only mad people talk to a newspapers. But then I wouldn’t mind because if murdering people is how sane people are, then I’d love to be insane. I can however read it to you; this page will always be in my mind. I’ll hold you to my ear so you can tell me what happened, but I know newspapers can’t talk. I’ll draw you in the newspaper and then you can talk†¦ But only computer animations do that. Remember yesterday when you flew over to the temple through my window, and you were floating with the wind? Remember I ran after you screaming and shouting your name? Remember people staring at me, thinking I was a stupid child running after a newspaper? I don’t care what they think, what matters is what I think, I think of you, I’ll cuddle you, I’ll die for you, you are that one person that I ALWAYS trust, that one person who is very dear to me, even if you are just a friend, you were part of the family. Sorry for all the things I told you, it was a misunderstanding, you understand right? That’s what best friends do, that’s what humans do. Please come back, at least give me a clue pointing me to the direction of where this happened, maybe how the angels pointed to the illumination church in Vatican city just like Dan Brown says in his book of Angels and Demons, but yours with newspapers perhaps? Remember when we played this little game of treasure hunt in the back garden? Please tell me this is one of that, you know I hate mysteries, then why did have to leave me mystified? Give me the answer to this mystery, I’ll try my best, point me towards it, whatever, I’ll find my way, I know you will guide me so I won’t get scared. I’ll promise you I’ll do whatever you wanted me to do; I’ll play lots and lots of treasure hunt games with you, even if I think it’s stupid. Are you satisfied now? Please come back. Please tell me this is a joke. I’ll email you, but I can’t, I don’t have your address, There’s no point in emailing you because maybe you don’t have computers up there or you just don’t a email account. Is it heaven@god. com? You have to live in a place you have computers to read my mail. I can’t send you a post card or a letter can I? I don’t have your address; do you have a postman up there? I’m sorry I spilled water in your painting, I hope that’s not why you went, I promise I won’t do it again, you know I’m clumsy and that’s how I learn. Only I know how painful it is to tell you this, but I regret shouting at you, annoying you just because I was bored, I know you were joking those times but I took it seriously. But anyhow and anyway I wish you were back. I’ll staple my mouth so I won’t scream at you and loose you again. I read this newspaper over and over again, to see if you had left me a clue, the only clue I found was heaven, is that it? If I keep this, it will remind me of you, I’ll place it carefully and keep it organised the way you like it. I’ll make sure your letters won’t dissolve in my tears. I should stop now, I wouldn’t want to wet you, don’t worry I’ll look after you. I take care of you like you took care of me and stood beside me in everything I did. Oh how I wish you were back. Please, please, please come back. I miss you awfully.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Why Do People Fall in Love

A question many of us find us asking ourselves in today’s society. Many of us have been hurt by love and therefore have refused to neither use nor believe that there is such a word or feeling that exists in the universe. People fall in love for many reasons; some don’t even know why they end up in love. I believe people fall in love for three life-based reasons, to expand the self and to increase our abilities and our effectiveness in other words self-expansion, lack of self-dependency, Last but certainly not least they have something good to offer and they want something good in return.I myself have been thru all these stages of â€Å"Love† as we all call it and have come to a conclusion thru my own two eyes and hands on or should I say feelings on experience. The first reason people fall in love is to expand themselves thru other people also known as self-expansion. In his book â€Å"Self-expansion: a NEW! Integrated paradigm for psychology† author Miklo s Fodor describes very clearly how people expand themselves with one another. He created a model called Fodormiks Integrated Paradigm for Psychology (FIPP).The model describes many forms of human behavior from sex, religion, problem solving and even intimate relations. Upon reading the first couple of pages of the book I learned that the amount of money where you live and yourself can all affect who you fall in love with. If you’re wealthy you are a target of love to someone who wants to expand their business or find funding for something which the person couldn’t afford on their own. An example of self-expansion is in family’s that are wealthy and both husband and wife own businesses or assets that are in good use with each other.The husbands company makes the leather for her fancy purses. Many people believe that this kind of love is wrong but it’s a form of love in which both parties are happy and successful. Another example of self-expansion is someon e who feels they can accomplish more and succeed in life with some besides them. The feeling of being complete motivates the person to pursue a life of fulfillment. Take for instance Romeo and Juliet two lovers who fate was decided by the feelings expressed to each other in self-expansion. The second problem causing reason people fall in love is lack of self-dependency.Many of us witness an individual in a relationship where they are not happy everyone advises them to leave and for some odd reason they claim they are in love. This type of love is brought on by growing up in a harsh unloving family, and they are glued to this person because when they were in distress that person put them at ease to the individual losing someone like that is something they just won’t do. Another reason this love is bought is the person is he/she gets whatever they want while they are with this person for some it could be a meal and the bills paid to others it could be a lavish life-style.A grea t quote that illustrates well what this person might be feeling is â€Å"I know well what I am fleeing from but not what I am in search of† written by Michel De Montaigne. The person knows the love is wrong but refuses to leave because simply they are afraid of not finding a better love. This quote also points out that the person is lost inside they don’t know what exactly they are here for in life or what exactly it is they are searching for in a relationship.Lack of self-dependency to my opinion is a horrible reason to be in love but many people in the world depend on this love to get them thru, sad to say this is the type of world we live in. The final reason I believe people fall in love is because they have something good to offer and they want something back in return. Now I believe in this love 100% but some say it’s wrong. In today’s society the relationships that work out are relationships in which both parties are offering something to each othe r.An example of this type of love maybe the wife is a great cook and the husband loves to eat, while in return the husband works on the car clean or does anything to which he believes he can pay the wife for here great cooking. Another way this type of love is manifested in the form of making the significant other feels special. In this type of relationship the trade-offs could range from a number of things, happiness for wealth or wealth for happiness, it could also be a sexual trade off. No matter what in this type of relationship if the person isn’t receiving something in return there is no possible way the relationship is going to work.Some people feel if they love someone more than they love themselves that person to is going to do the same for them, but as we all can see it doesn’t always turn out that way. Some people offer there time, money and efforts to attain the feeling of being loved and end up hurt in the end. I believe all love is false but is used as a way to cope with living with some of life’s hardest decision and it’s always good to have someone by your side thru these times but understanding love can help you attain and reach that level of love and happiness in life.In closing words to the feelings we find ourselves calling love, people fall in love for three life-based purposes to expand the self and to increase our abilities and our effectiveness in other words self-expansion, lack of self-dependency, Last but certainly not least they have something good to offer and they want something good in return. People expand themselves every day in every relationship decision we make or think of making weather done conscious or unconscious the mind has a life of its own and who you fall in love with is determined by many objects and situations surrounding you.Also people fall in love due to what I call lack of self-dependency. It’s a good thing to be in love but make sure it’s a love where both people are benefitting and are happy. Don’t let life’s bad mishaps determine who you fall in love with and the reasons you fall in love. And finally the ultimate reason to fall in love is having something good and offering it to some in returns for a better or equal something. In this love the amount of love you choose to give is the amount of love you get back, you don’t have to ever worry about this love when you encounter it, just embrace close your eyes and never let go.This is the love of feeling of matter of each other’s happiness this is the love I believe that we all should share with each other it would just make things better in the world that we live in.SOURCES http://www. quotegarden. com/self-discovery. html http://www. yoshke. com/2010/02/top-10-reasons-to-fall-in-love/ â€Å"Self-expansion: a NEW! Integrated paradigm for psychology† By Milkos Fodor http://www. 2knowmyself. com/relationship_breakups/why_do_we_fall_in_love Why Do People Fall in Love Why Do People Fall In Love Many researchers actually consider falling in love to be a biologic event. And there are some researchers that can show brain changes using MRI tests to show that there are actual changes in our brain that we think of psychologically but biologically it really is a physiologic change. But when we want to understand what falling in love is — the best concept to understand is the concept called limerance. Limerance is that period in a relationship of great passion, when we're almost obsessed with our partner, when we can think of nothing else, when we put our lives on hold to spend time, to pull all-nighters.We daydream about them and when we put our partner on a pedestal. When, everything they say is smart, when we wonder why everybody in the world isn't in love with our partner. That's limerance. At a certain point in a relationship, limerance fades. It can only last about 2-3 years. At that point many would misperceive that as falling out of love, b ut in fact, it's really a change in the relationship. When the partnership changes from that passionate, exciting, romance, mystery, dangerous period, to one of a stable committed partnership, and by definition, you can't live up to that level of excitement.And at that point you start to see partner's flaws, and not everything they say is wonderful and they have some bad habits, and that requires the concept of recognizing that limerance fades, but being in love, and loving somebody does not. So, in order to really establish a good long-term relationship, we understand that falling out of love means just not putting our limits on wanting that passion all the time. is love natural in humans or are we thought to love by experience ? Non scientifically I think you love because you gave yourself to that person.You opened up about everything to them. You trust them, you get along with them, you can’t imagine not living without them there by you. You love because of the bond you cr eated with this person. We've all experienced love. We've loved (and been loved by) parents, brothers, sisters, friends, even pets. But romantic love is different. It's an intense, new feeling unlike any of these other ways of loving. Loving and being loved adds richness to our lives. When people feel close to others they are happier and even healthier. Love helps us feel important, understood, and secure.But each kind of love has its own distinctive feel. The kind of love we feel for a parent is different from our love for a baby brother or best friend. And the kind of love we feel in romantic relationships is its own unique type of love. Our ability to feel romantic love develops during adolescence. Teens all over the world notice passionate feelings of attraction. Even in cultures where people are not allowed to act on or express these feelings, they're still there. It's a natural part of growing up to develop romantic feelings and sexual attractions to others.These new feelings can be exciting — or even confusing at first. The Magical Ingredients of Love Relationships Love is such a powerful human emotion that experts are constantly studying it. They've discovered that love has three main qualities: 1. Attraction is the â€Å"chemistry† part of love. It's all about the physical — even sexual — interest that two people have in each other. Attraction is responsible for the desire we feel to kiss and hold the object of our affection. Attraction is also what's behind the flushed, nervous-but-excited way we feel when that person is near. 2.Closeness is the bond that develops when we share thoughts and feelings that we don't share with anyone else. When you have this feeling of closeness with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you feel supported, cared for, understood, and accepted for who you are. Trust is a big part of this. 3. Commitment is the promise or decision to stick by the other person through the ups and downs of the relationshi p. These three qualities of love can be combined in different ways to make different kinds of relationships. For example, closeness without attraction is the kind of love we feel for best friends.We share secrets and personal stuff with them, we support them, and they stand by us. But we are not romantically interested in them. Attraction without closeness is more like a crush or infatuation. You're attracted to someone physically but don't know the person well enough yet to feel the closeness that comes from sharing personal experiences and feelings. Romantic love is when attraction and closeness are combined. Lots of relationships grow out of an initial attraction (a crush or â€Å"love at first sight†) and develop into closeness.It's also possible for a friendship to move from closeness into attraction as two people realize their relationship is more than â€Å"just like† and they have become interested in one another in a romantic way. For people falling in love fo r the first time, it can be hard to tell the difference between the intense, new feelings of physical attraction and the deeper closeness that goes with being in love. Lasting Love or Fun Fling? The third ingredient in a love relationship, commitment, is about wanting and deciding to stay together as a couple in the future — despite any changes and challenges that life brings.Sometimes couples who fall in love in high school develop committed relationships that last. Many relationships don't last, though. But it's not because teens aren't capable of deep loving. We typically have shorter relationships as teens because adolescence is a time when we instinctively seek lots of different experiences and try out different things. It's all part of discovering who we are, what we value, and what we want out of life. Another reason we tend to have shorter relationships in our teens is because the things we want to get out of a romantic relationship change as we get a little older.In our teens — especially for guys — relationships are mainly about physical attraction. But by the time guys reach 20 or so, they rate a person's inner qualities as most important. Teen girls emphasize closeness as most important — although they don't mind if a potential love interest is cute too! In our teens, relationships are mostly about having fun. Dating can seem like a great way to have someone to go places with and do things with. Dating can also be a way to fit in. If our friends are all dating someone, we might put pressure on ourselves to find a boyfriend or girlfriend too.For some people dating is even a status thing. It can almost seem like another version of cliques: The pressure to go out with the â€Å"right† person in the â€Å"right† group can make dating a lot less fun than it should be — and not so much about love! In our late teens, though, relationships are less about going out to have fun and fitting in. Closeness, shari ng, and confiding become more important to both guys and girls. By the time they reach their twenties, most girls and guys value support, closeness, and communication, as well as passion.This is the time when people start thinking about finding someone they can commit to in the long run — a love that will last. What Makes a Good Relationship? When people first experience falling in love, it often starts as attraction. Sexual feelings can also be a part of this attraction. People at this stage might daydream about a crush or a new BF or GF. They may doodle the person's name or think of their special someone while a particular song is playing. It sure feels like love. But it's not love yet. It hasn't had time to grow into emotional closeness that's needed for love.Because feelings of attraction and sexual interest are new, and they're directed at a person we want a relationship with, it's not surprising we confuse attraction with love. It's all so intense, exciting, and hard to sort out. The crazy intensity of the passion and attraction phase fades a bit after a while. Like putting all our energy into winning a race, this kind of passion is exhilarating but far too extreme to keep going forever. If a relationship is destined to last, this is where closeness enters the picture. The early passionate intensity may fade, but a deep affectionate attachment takes its place.Some of the ways people grow close are: * Learning to give and receive. A healthy relationship is about both people, not how much one person can get from (or give to) the other. * Revealing feelings. A supportive, caring relationship allows people to reveal detail about themselves — their likes and dislikes, dreams and worries, proud moments, disappointments, fears, and weaknesses. * Listening and supporting. When two people care, they offer support when the other person is feeling vulnerable or afraid. They don't put down or insult their partner, even when they disagree.Giving, receiv ing, revealing, and supporting is a back-and-forth process: One person shares a detail, then the other person shares something, then the first person feels safe enough to share a little more. In this way, the relationship gradually builds into a place of openness, trust, and support where each partner knows that the other will be there when times are tough. Both feel liked and accepted for who they are. The passion and attraction the couple felt early on in the relationship  isn't lost. It's just different. In healthy, long-term relationships, couples often find that intense passion comes and goes at different times.But the closeness is always there. Sometimes, though, a couple loses the closeness. For adults, relationships can sometimes turn into what experts call â€Å"empty love. † This means that the closeness and attraction they once felt is gone, and they stay together only out of commitment. This is not usually a problem for teens, but there are other reasons why rel ationships end Why Do Relationships End? Love is delicate. It needs to be cared for and nurtured if it is to last through time. Just like friendships, relationships can fail if they are not given enough time and attention.This is one reason why some couples might not last — perhaps someone is so busy with school, extracurricular, and work that he or she has less time for a relationship. Or maybe a relationship ends when people graduate and go to separate colleges or take different career paths. For some teens, a couple may grow apart because the things that are important to them change as they mature. Or maybe each person wants different things out of the relationship. Sometimes both people realize the relationship has reached its end; sometimes one person feels this way when the other does not.Moving On Losing love can be painful for anyone. But if it's your first real love and the relationship ends before you want it to, feelings of loss can seem overwhelming. Like the feel ings of passion early in the relationship, the newness and rawness of grief and loss can be intense — and devastating. There's a reason why they call it a broken heart. When a relationship ends, people really need support. Losing a first love isn't something we've been emotionally prepared to cope with. It can help to have close friends and family members to lean on.Unfortunately, lots of people — often adults — expect younger people to bounce back and â€Å"just get over it. † If your heart is broken, find someone you can talk to who really understands the pain you're going through. It seems hard to believe when you're brokenhearted that you can ever feel better. But gradually these feelings grow less intense. Eventually, people move on to other relationships and experiences. Relationships — whether they last 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, or a lifetime — are all opportunities to experience love on its many different levels. We learn both how to love and how to be loved in return.Romance provides us with a chance to discover our own selves as we share with someone new. We learn the things we love about ourselves, the things we'd like to change, and the qualities and values we look for in a partner. Loving relationships teach us self-respect as well as respect for others. Love is one of the most fulfilling things we can have in our lives. If romance hasn't found you yet, don't worry — there's plenty of time. And the right person is worth the wait This felling of love is a very â€Å"raw† effect of pheromones or sexual hormones that we pick up when around other people.Its root lies in the fact that Mother Nature wants us to procreate and suggests that when this â€Å"falling in love† sensation occurs then the individual these feelings are centered around would make a good partner to have offspring with in terms of a healthy offspring. It DOES NOT mean the same person will make a good life partner. Our society seems to place a great deal of significance on this sensation, and tend to co notate it with a mysterious and magical feeling that can only be the allusive concept of love.This is also why we live in a society with such a high divorce rate. Although it would be nice to think this magical and mysterious feeling extends for the rest of our lives and is an indicator that we found our soul mates – the reality is it is nothing more than chemical warfare with the biology of our bodies. What love it is, is a choice – plain and simple. Of course we hope that happy feelings and good times are a natural result of that choice, but this is not required for the choice of love to exist.People who define love based on how they feel are often times in for a bumpy ride with relationships, because when the body changes its biology, or someone else crosses their path with a new set of hormones/pheromones they react to they have the magical mysterious feeling all over again, but f or someone new. So my two cents would be to understand â€Å"falling in love† is a term that refers to a very raw biological process, one that is independent and should not affect our conscious decisions as to who is significant in

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Leader in On-Line Travel Services Essay Example for Free

A Leader in On-Line Travel Services Essay ? The travel industry is billion dollar a year business. Year round people from all walks fill the roads and departing plane seats in search of travel success. There is no doubt that the travel industry will continue to be in demand, however, while vacationers, business travelers and everyone in between anticipate spending a good chunk of change to get from point a to point b, no person wants to part with their hard earned money. Thankfully, some genius out there understood this. Along with the evolution of the technological advances came a miraculous source for locating the best deals in travel, from flights to hotels to car rental. Based on the number of travel websites available, no longer do discounted travel options belong solely to commissioned travel agents. Today, everyone from housewives to grandpas to beer-guzzling football fanatics have the capability of obtaining their own travel deals. Parented by Expedia, Inc and based in Washington State, Expedia. com revolutionized the way people travel the world, and as time continues, its services only get better. With a bit of research, a pen and some paper, soon-to-be travelers are able to decide what airline or hotel best suits their needs (and their wallets) all with just a few clicks of the mouse. While competitors such as Travelocity and Priceline offer much of the same services, Expedia. com continues to be a leader in the travel industry (PR Newswire, p. 1). Thousands of hotels, airlines and other travel accommodators have joined in to vie for the traveler’s business, and the wooing has resulted in deep discounts and sometimes little extras, such as free hotel nights. Expedia. om’s early days were a bit primitive, but as the demand for travel options increased, the business flourished. Expedia. com has become a household name among travelers and will continue to be a source for deal seekers around the world. Expedia. com’s big break came in 1996 when Richard Barton, who, at the time, was responsible for creating CD-ROMS for Microsoft, presented the idea of offering travel options on-line (NetIndustries, p. 1). Microsoft Network1 reluctantly began assisting in web exposure in order to generate business for the experimental company (NetIndustries, p. ). While discounted airline tickets were the only product Expedia was offering at the time, the investment Microsoft placed in technological innovations for the company greatly expanded the number of people coming across Expedia. com’s website. A few short years would prove that Expedia. com was not just some fly-by-night ‘dot-com’. In 1999, Microsoft Network spun off a portion of their interest in Expedia for public availability; a move that increased Expedia. com’s worth within hours (NetIndustries, p. 1). With success under their belt, Microsoft opted to sell its entire interest in Expedia. com to USA Networks, Inc. 2. Led by CEO Erik Blachford, Expedia. com is wholly owned by InterActiveCorp (PBM, p. 1). Teaming up with Classic Custom Vacations, Expedia Corporate Travel and Travelscape. com, Inc. , Expedia. com found itself in the perfect position to expand the types of travel services offered, and could continue fulfilling their mission of utilizing electronic sourcing in order to provide the best travel options to its users (About Expedia. com, p. 1). Services available through Expedia. com include discounted flights, hotel accommodations, auto rental, cruises and even vacation packages, all for domestic and international destinations. Additionally, the company offers guidance to travelers who are unsure of the type of travel they are seeking. By clicking the ‘activities’ tab on the website, destination seekers are able to view events taking place all over the world (Expedia. com, p7). Additional services include printable maps, an easy 1. Microsoft Network, a major software developer, assisted Expedia. om by providing technological resources, to include premium web exposure, which played a major role in Expedia. com’s growth. 2. USA Networks, a media based operator, changed its name to USA Interactive upon completing its purchase of Expedia. com. USA Interactive also owns Expedia. com competitor Hotels. com (SJP, 2002). to maneuver website and 24/7 customer service. Along with success, Expedia. com endured its share of struggles. In early operations, Expedia faced several lawsuits, including one from competitor Priceline. om for infringing on a patented â€Å"name your price† service. Other competitors, such as Travelocity. com were heating things up by adding new features and services to their websites. Expedia. com’s defense was to play-up the features and services they already used by launching a major marketing campaign using tags like â⠂¬Å"Don’t just travel. Travel right,† and â€Å"Where do you want to go today? † (NetIndustries, p. 1). While the marketing campaign was a success, profit success was short-lived when some airlines stopped paying commissions to on-line travel agents, including Expedia. om. While competitors such as Priceline. com tagged on hefty $10. 00 surcharges to customers using airlines who didn’t pay commissions, Expedia was able to negotiate with several airlines in order to avoid charging additional fees to customers, while continuing to offer those airlines’ services without feeling too much of a punch (NetIndustries, . 1). Overcoming these challenges, Expedia continues its success by utilizing a product line pricing strategy, which entails offering a variety of products at ranged pricing, or bundling packages and charging accordingly. A mere 11 years old, Expedia. com has become established nationally as well as internationally. Today, Expedia. com’s success continues. It employs 1,758 people, and averages sales at an estimated $590 million (NetIndustries, p. 1). The future includes focusing on the business traveler, whose needs are being met by providing the widest range of products possible, and offering little comforts such as the Expedia. com Cafe3. Cornering the market with the best deals, Expedia. com will continue to lead the on-line travel industry without missing a beat. A Leader in On-Line Travel Services. (2017, Feb 26).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Final Business Plan Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Final Business Plan Project - Essay Example It’s marketing strategy will focus on provision of a website for easy communication and a high tech system that provides support for gaining the necessary intelligence for security purposes. It will also involve the development of a security research center in which major threats will be studied and results employed in the improvement of services provided by the company. The company aims at starting with a total of 160 guards with 20 clients each absorbing 8 guards. These will have 4 on entry points of the premises and 4 patrolling within to increase efficiency of the services. Through these, better services are guaranteed in the guarding sector. The private investigations will be conducted by a team of 6 employees qualified in the field with the consultancy services a reserve of one of the partners Mr. Luther Graves that has experience in security related fields. Occasionally will Mr. Don provide consultancy services especially if there comes a client in need of aid in security IT systems. The company SecureIT deals with the provision of security guards to different business premises with the aim of boosting security in the wake of terrorist threats. It offers security guards, private investigations and consultancy services in relation to security and aiding different corporations handle their security needs effectively. The company is a startup made up of a partnership between two partners that hold experience in the field of security with one Mr. Don Lawson having experience in security IT systems and the other Mr. Luther Graves holding experience in the policing field having worked with a security firm for over twenty years. SecureIt aims at providing quality security guards and consulting services with a demonstrated alertness, responsiveness, due diligence in approaching work or any threats and investigative needs, accurate judgment and a culture of quality in service delivery. SecureIt aims at standing at the global

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Is liberal democracy the best government system Critically assess Essay

Is liberal democracy the best government system Critically assess - Essay Example Bell (2006) extrapolates that, theoretically, one system can be perceived to be better than the other but in an ideal setting, and this may be otherwise. Deutsch & Soffer (1987) argue that this is because it is subjective to describe or define something to be the best as it depends on the modalities employed in the evaluation. North Korea Republic can be used as a case study since some may perceive its tyrant military to be oppressive and as the worst system of governance which suppresses the private sector and infringes the fundamental rights of its citizens (Eagles, Johnston & Holoman, 2004). According to Deutsch & Soffer (1987), liberal democracy can be described as a form or type of governances where principles related to liberalism are upheld and valued. The main principle of liberalism is the provision of protection rights of persons. In addition, these principles are usually embedded in the laws of nations that practice this form of government. On the other hand, Eagles, Johnston & Holoman (2004) illuminate that the features of liberal democratic countries are the existence of elections that are deemed free, fair and competitive among different existing political parties; separations of power between the various facets of government; and the application of rules of law in daily activities. The rights of the civilians, and humans, as well as freedom are not only highly embraced and protected. Bell (2006) point out that countries that practice this form of government usually have a constitution that stipulates the way in which its citizens are governed. Chan (2004) ex plains that the constitution can either be in written form or unwritten form. There are various constitutional forms of liberal democracies. For instance, some countries practice the republican constitutional forms of governance such as the US while others practice the constitutional monarch such as the United Kingdom. Eagles,

Marketing Audit and Marketing Objectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Marketing Audit and Marketing Objectives - Essay Example In the recent past, Dell Corporation has enhanced their consumer base in the laptop computer brand. Indeed, the company implemented one of the best marketing initiatives in the face of high technological innovativeness in the early 21st century. Through its marketing campaigns, Dell focussed on developing a consumer base composed of younger population, who preferred portable laptop computers for their daily activities, such as studies. They specifically ensured that they captured students and younger adult population. However, in the campaigns aimed at the young consumers, Dell Computers knew the significance of communicating - at least indirectly, to parents who are usually called upon to help with purchasing the products for their sons and daughters (Proctor, 2000; Baker, & Hart, 2007).  In the recent past, Dell Corporation has enhanced their consumer base in the laptop computer brand. Indeed, the company implemented one of the best marketing initiatives in the face of high techn ological innovativeness in the early 21st century. Through its marketing campaigns, Dell focussed on developing a consumer base composed of younger population, who preferred portable laptop computers for their daily activities, such as studies. They specifically ensured that they captured students and younger adult population. However, in the campaigns aimed at the young consumers, Dell Computers knew the significance of communicating - at least indirectly, to parents who are usually called upon to help with purchasing the products for their sons and daughters (Proctor, 2000; Baker, & Hart, 2007). II. Goals, strategy formulation and implementation Dell strives to be the most flourishing corporation in the world known for producing the best laptop computers that meet and exceed the customer expectations in the UK market. The corporation’s marketing objectives and goals are premised upon providing the customers with laptops that have new and striking features such as webcam for video chats or conferencing (Linsenbach, 2007). These features are increasingly becoming popular, especially in the UK. With these features incorporation in its laptop brands, Dell aims to be seen making the life of the users more relaxed. The strategy was been apparently implemented in the Dell’s ‘Dude’ campaigns, which may continue to be the future trend in regard to appealing for the younger population (Proctor, 2000; Doyle, & Stern, 2006). The company’s targeting of the UK’s younger consumers with the laptop brands in the 1990s saw the original creation of Dell Computers "Dude." The promotions captured the ‘

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Summary An Economic way of looking at life by Gary Becker Essay

Summary An Economic way of looking at life by Gary Becker - Essay Example Economic way of looking at life helps individuals to know moral pathways and how to be ethical in economics. In chapter 7, social issues that are discussed are termed as labor supply, which in it you find household production, the family, and the life cycle which can be well analyzed by economic way of looking at life. In making household decisions, certain factors have to be in mind. Some of these factors are, the economy, time, income and individuals involved. In household decision making, one of the key attribute is the size. For instance the size of the family and number of children dictate the economic way of living of that family. Often, women in society have a role in bearing and raising a certain number of children and carrying out farm works as opposed to men who work in outside jobs in various offices. Economic analysis of this kind of decision shows that the labor force is low compared to the size of the family. This is because, the income from the couple would be more compared to when only the male individual is working. If the latter is used it would mean poor living standards as the family is growing. As regards to whether families uses more by consuming purchased goods as opposed to home made goods also differs if we analyze using our knowledge on economic way of looking at life. Although there is no such a big difference between the two, if things such as labor and the time spent to produce the home made goods are considered, economic wise consuming household good will carry the day since leisure is achieved and no supervision when producing them. In a later age, household decision on when to retire comes in. The topic about taking care of yet grown up children and on the other hand, older children taking care of the aged parents is dominant. These two are interconnected and each of them is crucial and important. Analysis of this economically

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Investigation of the crime or unlawful activity Essay

Investigation of the crime or unlawful activity - Essay Example For private investigators, their own learning and experience is the key. When in police as detectives in local, state, or federal agencies, the minimal educational requirement is high school diploma. Some departments may require 1 or 2 years of the college course or in some cases, a college degree. But most of them learn their skills from the intensive training in their agency’s police academy. They are supposed to comply with the law whether on or off duty. Besides, investigative agencies may hire specialized professionals such as forensic experts in case of the criminal investigation, CPA or other qualified management experts in case of the financial scam, depending upon the services required. Many such services are hired on the freelance basis. Expectations from society are high as they are seen as authority and the reliable figures to provide leadership and take charge of the situation.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Globalization, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), or Multinational Essay

Globalization, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), or Multinational Corporations (MNCs) - Essay Example On the other hand, poverty and inequality emanates from disorganization and injustice among the developed countries in the global market who instead should work at developing the global economy to greater levels. According to Cohn’s perspective, globalization entails activities that assist countries and societies to broaden and deepen thus increasing their interdependence around the world. Broadening and deepening is the establishment of links and using them to increase the regularity and intensity of the communications, transactions, relationships and general interactions among the involved societies and states. Globalization has led to developments in management and other significant sectors in the corporate world as companies come up with excellent strategies to overcome the competition and as a way of keeping up with the trends1. The vast growth in international market relates with developments in areas such as communication and transportation technologies that are key facilitators of the strategic links between the participating states and Multinational Corporations (MNCs). However, globalization’s impact varies in the different countries and in most cases; it threatens th e domestic autonomy causing issues among the local economies. Upon entry into the international market, countries take up new roles and responsibilities, that allow them to make any policy choices. The policy choices are the determinants of states and societies’ experiences of globalization i.e. unity and cooperation or fragmentation and conflict. Multinational Corporations (MNCs) are companies that distribute goods and services across borders with an aim of spreading ideas and controlling assets in more than one state. They play a significant role in globalization and economists argue they make the greater part of it. MNCs mostly practice Foreign Direct Investments (FDI): in order to manage rights and control economic transactions in different states. Realists link globalization with

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Revelation to me Essay Example for Free

A Revelation to me Essay When I was a kid, I got almost anything I wanted. I had travelled to China and seen the Great Wall. I travelled to Brisbane to see the Coral Reef and I even travelled to Italy and saw places like the Coliseum and the Sistine Chapel. However, to me, Singapore was the be all and end all of the world. I had lived there for 11 years and all my wants and needs were met on that small island. I could walk anywhere without worrying about getting kidnapped. I could take a taxi and not worry about the driver cheating you. I could even leave the house 10 minutes for a lesson and not worry about being late. I had a lovely school, a nice group of international friends and moreover a house in a pristine location. All was good. One day, my dad was at work and my brother was at a sleepover. My mother took me to my favorite restaurant at that timeMcDonalds. I knew something was fishy, because I hadnt done anything good, but I went along with it. Then she brought me a FULL Meal. Hmmmmsuspicious but I again parried it off. Then she upsized it. Ok! Something was wrong. So when I went to the table to eat my Upsized, full meal of McDonalds, I asked my mum Whats going on? Whats the special occasion? And she replied, Nothing Rushad. Cant we just have a mother, son outing? I looked at her in the eye and I could tell something was wrong. Ok, fine. She said. Paused. Took a bite from her burger. Swallowed. Then said We are moving from Singapore. Dont lie. I laughed. You cant be serious! MUM! But she just shook her head, like a bothered elephant and said Im sorry. But I dont want to move. And she told me the words I will never forget: Life is like McDonalds. One day you get the Big Mac, whilst others you just get simple Chicken Nuggets. However, sometimes, you only get whats available and have no say in the matter. Do you think a chicken wants to be killed to fill your stomach? Or a cow slaughtered to fill you up? No, sometimes, you have to accept defeat and walk along the path your life has chosen. This was a turning point in my life. I realized that in life, you dont always get what you wanted. Fortunately, some people learn this in simple ways such as not winning the game you wanted, or not getting that pretty girl to go out with you. Unfortunately for me, I learnt this the hard way. Leaving all that I knew behind, to start a fresh life in Jakarta. Sometimes you only want something, like staying in Singapore, because its the safe way out. However, moving to Jakarta was a risk and a scary adventure.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Introduction to the Kalabagh Dam

Introduction to the Kalabagh Dam The Kalabagh Dam is situated about 210 km downhill of Tarbela Dam on the River Indus. The project comprises the structure of 260 ft. tall rock-fill dam. With its punishing retentive equal to 915 ft., the basin, which the dam will make, will provide the capacity of storage of about 6.1 million-acre feet. The development of this project comprises of two channels on the right side for disposal of floodwater. If the cases of highest flooding are faced, then these channels will have a discharge capacity of over 2 million cusecs. The Left side of the dam comprises of the powerhouse, with a convincing generation capability of 3,600 MW. It is to be pointed that the regular current at Kalabagh is 89 MAF, comprises of 72 percent of the Indus, 25 percent of the river Kabul and 3 percent of the river Soan. The limited storing of 6.1 MAF is 7% of the regular annual flow. Where is KALABAGH DAM LOCATED? Kalabagh Dam is situated in the Mianwali District in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the precise course of the dam conferring to the many coordinates is 32 °57à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ²23à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ³North and 071 °36à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ²49à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ³East. Kalabagh Dam is a dam, which features one of the distinctive type of earth, fills Dam in which the zoned fill ridge is accomplished with the help of mud and core. Suppose, we have an overview on the description and the sizes of the dam for which it is recognized as the main dam in Pakistan and one of the major dams in Asia. Height wise Kalabagh dam is 79 meters, which is 259 feet, length wise the dam is 3,350 meters, meaning it is equivalent to 10,991 feet. Confiscates of the Kalabagh Dam are straightly related with the Indus river. The tank, which is being executed at the Kalabagh Dam, has the lively volume of 7.52 km3 (6,100,000 acre/ft) while the sedentary volume of the dam is 9.7 km3 (7,900,000 acre/ft) while the covering area include of 110,500 sq mi (286,000 km2). Kalabagh Dams power station has the Hydraulic head of 170 feet which revenues 52 meters while the turbines power is 12 x 300 MW with the all-out volume of 3,600 MW and with the yearly production of 11,400 GWH. Kalabagh Dam is one of the very vital supplies of Pakistan when they are facing such intimidating and disturbing energy disaster and deficit of electricity and if the dam is being constructed to work on its whole volume then within no time Pakistan can get rid of this overwhelming problem of energy. Kalabagh Dam would allow extra and better agricultural work to all provinces, inside a little time limit. All other recognized locations for dams have a much lengthier development tenure, in the nonappearance of early lessons. The early installation will generate 11,400 million Kwh of energy annually. Because of conjunctive operation, it will allow improvement of 600 MW of climaxing competence and additional 336 million Kwh of yearly production at Tarbela. Kalabagh Dam will supplement irrigation provisions, hydropower and alleviate floods. Additionally, indirect benefits like more industrial and food production, employment and agricultural boost will accrue. The project will have a useful economic life of over 50 years, without requiring any major replacement of machines and EM equipment. The development will wage its asset cost in a retro of fewer than 10 years, as proposed project yearly welfares are US$ 628.18 Million and the development monetary cost is US$ 6002 Million (comprehe nsive of awareness and growths) at 1998 value flat. The opponents of Kalabagh dam while have the main impact on Sindh and KPK who have some anxieties relating to the building of this dam. The issues are involved which are related to faith shortfall. Due to the serious environment and human impact, the construction of this dam is believed to be worthless. KPK puts an objection to Kalabagh as it will clue towards the dislodgment of a substantial amount of its individuals and a huge area of its property will also be flooded or become waterlogged. Furthermore, it is hypothetical that the Noshehra city, which is actually home to 2000,000 people, might arise a danger of flooding, as it is located at the sets of Kabul River. Alternatively, a significant issue in Sindh is desertification, it has continuously felt endangered by Punjab, and it declines to put trust on the province that the entire River Indus waters will not be left to provide the needs of Punjab only, dehydrating the downstream Sindh River. These anxieties are connected to the understanding of the operation of Taunsa-Punjnad and Chashma-Jehlum canal. The unfriendliness of Balochistan to Kalabagh is also grounded on the faith that if the dam overstrains the request in the river than the needs for more water through Guddu Barrage will be encountered with little achievement. Other issues such as ecological deprivation and human impacts- restoration and relocation because of building have also been elevated. Most importantly, it is supposed that the location of the dam is on a fault line. Until now, Pakistan has recycled only about 10 percent of its projected 40,000 mw of monetarily feasible hydropower potential, a section around 30 percent inferior than India and China and around 75 percent lower than other established states. The country is not only facing severe electricity scarcity but in spite of the best irrigation system, it still undergo importations of wheat on credit from abroad. Kalabagh dam has rather become a disaster of supremacy; current faith shortfall between Punjab on one side and the other three provinces on the other is the important issue. It is not for the representatives or magistrates to choose whether this dam should be built. A national level discussion is obligatory lecturing the anxieties of Sindh and KPK based on technical study of the project. For this drive, apolitical experts from all four shires should take measures to study and present the feasibility report at the central level. It would be a optimistic growth if the report bounces a green signal to the construction. Though, if the report finds approximately correctness in the issues elevated by Sindh and KPK such as sinking of Nowshera and site being on the fault line, then it is period to move advancing for decent and contemplate of other supportable developments.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hhv-8 :: essays research papers

â€Å"Human Herpes Virus-8 (HHV-8) and Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS)†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Human herpes virus (HHV-8) poses a challenging task for researchers determining its role in Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS). People with KS are distinguished by their placement in four categories. The first category consists of elderly males of Mediterranean or Eastern European Jewish descent. The second category consists of individuals of all ages from Africa. Neither one of these categories is associated with immune deficiency or known environmental factors. The last two categories are associated with organ transplants or HIV-1. In all forms of KS males are predominantly affected.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Kaposi’s Sarcomas are known to harbor cells known as spindle shaped cells (SC). The spindle shaped cells are associated with abnormal blood vessel development and blood leakage. Although, the SC is the most frequently encountered cell in KS tumors it is undetermined if they are neoplastic cells or hyperproliferating cells or an altered cell induced by cytokines (INF-).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although, it is easy to believe that all cells in a tumor are neoplastic, evidence suggests otherwise. There are three characteristics that are present in all KS cells whether they are neoplastic or not. The first is absence of a histologically distinguishable neoplastic cell. The second is the lack of usual chromosomal abnormalities. The last is a combination of three features angiogenesis, inflammation, and proliferation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The one factor that brings the four categories of people infected with KS is HHV-8 found in KS tissues. Although, HHV-8 is thought to be connected to KS, HHV-8 itself has very low risk factor for KS development. Most reports on KS indicate a 2% to 10% prevalence of HHV-8 in the world, but in the U.S. there is thought to be a 5% prevalence among men according to a 1970s baseline incidence of KS. In relation to HIV-1 incidence of KS increases by a factor of 20,000 to 50,000 times with the presence of HHV-8.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is postulated that HIV-1 infections promote HHV-8 replication indirectly by suppression of host immune systems. KS is thought to begin with micro-vascular lesions mediated by different environmental factors for each of the four categories of KS. One of these factors is abnormal cytokine production; in HIV-1 associated KS, this includes an increase in inflammatory cytokines, such as IFN , TNF , and IL-7 that are enhanced by Tat of HIV-1. Tat which is essential for HIV-1 replication is released and taken up by other cells, where it inhibits T-cell proliferation and promotes abnormal cytokine production, adhesion, and growth.

Mary Catherine Batesons Improvisation In a Persian Garden, Annie Dilla

Mary Catherine Bateson's Improvisation In a Persian Garden, Annie Dillard's Seeing and Leslie Marmon Silko's Landscape, History, and the Pueblo Imagination This paper will analyze Improvisation In a Persian Garden (Mary Catherine Bateson), Seeing (Annie Dillard), and Landscape, History, and the Pueblo Imagination (Leslie Marmon Silko). Going through the Purpose, audience, context, ethics, and stance of each author’s piece. All three stories show the reader what each author sees. All three authors write of an event that took place in their individual lives. Both Dillard and Bateson go back and forth between the past and the present, while Silko talks of events that took place only in the past. In Seeing, Annie Dillard writes about the things people do not see, and the things people choose to see. Dillard does this to make the reader aware of what is around them. People have the attitude of â€Å"what you see is what you get.† (Dillard pg. 13) Dillard believes that people do not actually want to see what is really there. That people only want to see what makes them happy. Dillard goes on to discuss all the things we see and do not see, ending by stating â€Å"if we are blinded by darkness, we are also blinded by light†. (Dillard Pg.17) Dillard is saying that if you look hard enough there is always something to see. Improvisation in a Persian Garden Bateson wants the reader to see, how adults do not always see things better than children. The author (Bateson) is trying to explain the sacrifice of a sheep to her two-year-old daughter. The author wants other parents to have an idea, as to how to educate a young child in this sort of situation. Bateson begins to notice that she too is learning something for the first time â€Å"beca... ...ose to see, and start seeing what you are afraid to see. In Improvisation in a Persian Garden Bateson writes as herself twenty years earlier. Dillard takes a different view writing not as herself but as a child. Silko writes in the present state with memories of what was heard as a child. Each story is dealing with how people see different things and why. Bateson and Dillard are the most alike with Silko being the most different. The first two both describe everything around them. Silko describes what she hears not sees through his own eyes. Works Cited Anne Dillard, Seeing, A Sense of Place, Forbes Custom Publishing 1999 Leslie Marmon Silko, Landscape, History, and the Pueblo Imagination, A Sense of Place, Forbes Custom Publishing 1999 Mary Catherine Bateson, Improvisation in a Persian Garden, A Sense of Place, Forbes Custom Publishing 1999

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Punks :: essays research papers

Punks Did you know that the first commercially successful punk band was the Sex Pistols? Then came groups like Black Flag, Husker Du, and Bad Brains. Punk was invented in Britain in the mid Seventies. The first American punk started in a New York club called CBGB's. CBGB's would attract a crowd of about 500 with its Sunday-afternoon hard-core matinees. The concerts would be over by a reasonable time so kids could get home to eat dinner with their parents. In this paper we will take a look at some history and aspects of punk rock over the years. Slam dancing has been popular through the history of punk. You may have heard of called "mashing" or "stage diving." Mashing is just a big game of bumper cars like you played when you were a kid. I think Natalie Jacobson who is dating the lead singer of "Murphy's Law" describes stage diving best when says, "It's like diving into a human carpet. Something like the old kids' trust game. Just my way of getting into it. Gospel people got their thing, I got mine."1 Some punks consider themselves Nazis', or are concerned with issues like peace, racism, and nuclear war. Most punk is against parental, musical, and political authorities. On the other hand some isn't. Bob Mould of Husker Du talks about politics quite frequently in his songs. Most punks that live in small towns have trouble making friends. They find it hard to relate to most people. Sixteen- year-old Becca Levine finds it hard to make friends in her small town. She comes from a family of divorced parents that never have understood her. Her mother thinks it's just a phase she's going through. As Becca Quotes, "Parents around here treat me like I'm kind of weird."3 She has met someone from New York City that understands her. She meets with him at concerts at clubs like the Ritz or CBGB's. She met someone else also.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

No Cigarettes, No Smoking

The harm of smoking is a hot issue which has being discussed in many countries for a long time. There are 1. 2 billion of smokers in this world, which is one-fifth of the world population. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that adult male smokers lost an average of 13. 2 years of life and female smokers lost 14. 5 years of life because of smoking. Even though people know that cigarette is bad for health, they still have freedom of smoking. Nowadays, both producing and smoking cigarettes are still free choices especially in America because as Americans we first protect our freedoms and the government gives us rights to choose our own ways of life include the free market economy for producing cigarettes and the freedom of smoking. But cigarettes have nothing good for health. It not only kills the smokers themselves but also harms the non-smokers by breathing second-hand smokers, which should be considered as murder. So governments should make law to stop producing cigarettes completely. Smoking cigarettes may increase the risk of many health problems. According to the 1982 United States Surgeon General's report, â€Å"Cigarette smoking is the major single cause of cancer mortality [death] in the United States. † Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of 90% of lung cancers which is one of the hardest cancers to treat and others cancers in the mouth, larynx, esophagus, kidney. It may also cause heart disease, aneurysms and stroke, etc. Besides, breathing secondhand smoke is also harmful, just like the 2006 US Surgeon General's report said that the secondhand smoke kills children and adults who don't smoke. So, we should find a way to save the lives of the smokers and protect the non-smokers from smoking. There are already variety ways to control smoking, but none of these ideas can stop smoking completely. For example, people think schools should teach kids and teenagers about the harms of smoking because education is the best way to keep their children out of reach of cigarettes. All the high schools in United States have health class which teaches teenagers the health problems that would caused by smoking. I remember that when I was in high school, we had two speakers telling us their smoking experiences. They are two old men who had smoked or many years and when they talked to us, they had to breathe through a hole in their throat. After that class, I felt that I hate smoking much more than before, and I believed that class would help motivate teenagers to get away from cigarettes. However, there are still many teenage smokers who don’t care enough about their own health, the y just want to get the short term excitement but never think about the long term effects. According to Harris’s statement in â€Å"The Tipping Point†, even early education of dangers of smoking doesn't work so well. â€Å"Telling teenagers about the health risks of smoking — It will make you wrinkled! It will make you impotent! It will make you dead! — is useless† (The Tipping Point 249). This tells us another truth which is that children don’t care about what adults are saying, but what they are doing. It is impossible for adults to produce and smoke cigarettes, and teach the children not to smoke at the same time. Tobacco products in the UAE found another way to discourage smoking. They carry graphics of blackened lungs and a hemorrhaged-impacted brain on cigarette packs to warn the smokers about the dangers of smoking. This is only a reminder of the dangers of smoking but not an action to stop it. Smokers will buy cigarettes no matter what graphic is on the pack, and the problem of smoking will be still there unsolved. Making law to ban smoking seems like a good idea and many governments have doing it. Singapore is the best example of smoking ban and it has been extended to almost all the public places. According to the present law of smoking ban in Singapore, â€Å"Smokers found flouting the rules are fined a minimum S $200 Singapore dollar up to a maximum of S$1000 if convicted in court, while the managers of the establishments are fined S$200 for a first offence, and S$500 for a subsequent offence. This idea is much better than others. But the problem is that no matter what punishment is it, if someone wants to have a cigarette, they will always find a place to smoke. Besides the examples that I mentioned above, in Gladwell’s book, he also states many other things that people have tried for controlling smoking. â€Å"The anti-smoking movement has focused, so far, on raising cigarette prices, curtailing cigarette advertising, running public health messages on radio and television, limiting access of cigarettes to minors, and drilling anti-tobacco messages into schoolchildren. (TP 250) If any of these ideas have been worked out, we won’t be discussing smoking issue now. I believe that all the methods include the anti-smoking movement are helpful to control smoking and discourage people to smoke less. But we have to face the truth which is that once there are people producing cigarettes, there will be people smoking. In fact cigarette is the guilty agent and it should not be produced. Thus, stop producing cigarettes is the only solution to solve the smoking problem thoroughly and save people’s lives. In the past, we have to use many different ways to discourage smoking because people smoke for different reasons. But if there’s no cigarette in this planet, people who smoke for relieving stress and boosting mood will find other healthy activities to do to relax themselves instead of smoking. Many teenagers who smoke because they’re curious, want to try something dangerous, or to act like adults, won’t have these kinds of thoughts at all if no one around them smoke. And for the heavy smokers who are already addicted and failed to quit smoking, there will be no more temptation. Since here is a solution which can solve all the problems at one time, why don’t we try it? Stop producing cigarettes will affect the benefits of the Cigarettes Company producers and the governments, and it may also lead to unemployment in tobacco industry, so it is the governments’ responsibility to make a law of it to lead and urge all the people include the producers and the smokers to practice together and make this solution works. Although it is not an easy thing to do and it must take long time to be done, we should start from small step and make it come true, because no matter which country we are from, as human we suppose to have at least one common value that health is much more important than material benefits, in fact it is the most important thing in everyone’s life.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Juvenile Justice Essay

Morals usually are the guiding principles in just about everybody’s life. Humans generally tend to do what is considered to be â€Å"right† and astray from what is â€Å"wrong†, but in some cases, people choose to do what is considered â€Å"wrong†. However, people believe that children should be dealt with much more lightly because they’re not adults yet. On the other hand, I disagree that children should be exempt from punishment, and I fully agree with the four justices that believe a child who commits a heinous crime should be punished with a prison sentence of life without parole. The eighth amendment bans cruel and unusual punishment to protect its citizens. If a child commits a murder and goes unpunished, is that not a cruel punishment for the victim’s family? In Jennifer Jenkins’ â€Å"On Punishment and Teen Killers†, she states that there is: â€Å"no regard to the impact on victims’ families†(10). The jus tice system is not doing its job if it is not getting justice for the victim’s family. Therefore it would be unconstitutional for the law to not punish the criminal for their heinous crime. Additionally, there have been researches and studies conducted in order to answer why teenagers act the way they do. Research shows that the brain is the very reason for these children’s actions. In Paul Thompson’s article â€Å"Startling Finds on Teenage Brains†, he claims, â€Å"massive loss of brain tissue loss occurs in the teen years† and that it is, â€Å"only being lost in the areas controlling impulses, risk-taking, and self-control†(7). This may explain why children act in this horrific manner, but it does not give them an excuse to commit crime. A rebuttal to Thompson’s claim of defense would be Marjie Lundstrom’s article â€Å"Kids are Kids-Until They Commit Crimes†, when it points out: â€Å"they’re only kids. That is, until they foul up. Until they commit crimes†(4-5). Kids are kids until they choose to make an â€Å"adult decision† and commit a serious crime. Whether the criminal is eleven or seventeen, they are making a conscious decision to engage in a crime. Based on the premise that morals do not substantially change from young adulthood to adulthood, the offender should know that their crime is wrong. Thus, the punishment should be mandatory as a result of the offender’s actions. Children should pay their dues, even if that means life in prison without parole. If crime is dealt with lightly now, it will only get worse as time progresses. A wise and responsible decision needs to be made so that society can have a more safe and secure future.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Simon Remarriage

The words ‘damaged/fractured/punctured/ broken' create images describing the ex-soldier physically but also referring to how these words could be used to describe the broken love. Therefore, it has been made clear that the love has become painful and traumatic as a consequence of war. Also, the metaphorical use Of ‘frozen river' and ‘blown hinge' reflects a war zone. The word ‘frozen' could reflect how the relationship has become still and lifeless. The narrator states that his jaw is a ‘blown hinge', suggesting that he is no longer open to her and unable to talk f his traumatic experiences.The image of violence is also incorporated within ‘Quadric' through a western theme showing the intensity of the relationship. ‘High noon' and ‘calamity' implant the image of a standoff in the wild west. This image of the standoff is inferred to be comparable to the relationship through the painful arguing that the once desire has turned into. Duffy references ‘hard liquor' to suggest that the relationship is reckless and has turned into something that is unhealthy also that if love goes wrong it can bring difficulties along with it. Manhunt' is made up of a series of couplets.The form of the poem creates a sense of fragmentation and the stages of process and search that the narrator has been through in order to find and heal their love. The series of couplets can be seen as a ladder that she is trying to climb to retrieve love once more, like the image of the ‘broken ribs'. Also, the rhyme scheme is irregular suggesting how the strength of the relationship is constantly changing. There is a personal tone to this poem as much of the topics are personal and it is quite conversational, inferring the woman is liking to her husband but cannot get through due to his physical and mental damage.Similarly, ‘Quadric' is structured to reflect the love in the relationship. This poem forms a broken sonnet, showing the eff ects of the broken love. Duffy may have used enjambment between stanzas to capture the idea of relentless pain and that she does not want to finish the sentence and the relationship. The technique of enjambment has been used to separate ‘I'm all' from ‘alone' reflecting the isolation the women feels. Simon Remarriage incorporates many delicacy and care adjectives: ‘mind/hold/attend'.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Reasearch Paper

w w w e tr . X m eP UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS GCE Ordinary Level e ap . c rs om MARK SCHEME for the May/June 2012 question paper for the guidance of teachers 1123 ENGLISH LANGUAGE 1123/12 Paper 1 (Composition), maximum raw mark 60 This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks.It does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began, which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers. Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the examination. †¢ Cambridge will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes. Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2012 question papers for most IGCSE, GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses a nd some Ordinary Level syllabuses.Page 2 Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version GCE O LEVEL – May/June 2012 Syllabus 1123 Paper 12 MARKING of LANGUAGE Section 1 and Section 2 General Assessment Objectives for WRITING W1 W2 W3 W4 Communicate appropriately, with a clear awareness of purpose, audience and register. Communicate clearly and develop ideas coherently, at word level, at sentence level and at whole text level. Use accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar. Communicate creatively, using a varied range of vocabulary, sentence structures and linguistic devices.The above objectives are assessed by impression, using as guides the Band descriptions in this mark scheme, the photostats and the exemplar marked scripts attached to this mark scheme, showing performance across the expected range of achievement. Specific Assessment Objectives for Section 1: Directed Writing To test the candidate's ability to: 1 2 write a speech which communicates information clearly, accurately an d economically; carry out the instructions as detailed on the question paper regarding the particular information required.Detailed Marking Instructions for Section 1: Directed Writing The 30 marks are allocated as follows: Task Fulfilment 15 marks Language 15 marks Please indicate the TF mark first at the end of the essay, e. g. 10 + 12 = 22 N. B. Assessing task fulfilment means more than including the bullet/content points. N. B. Candidates who address only two points must be in Band 3 or below for TF.  © University of Cambridge International Examinations 2012 Page 3 Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version GCE O LEVEL – May/June 2012 SECTION 1 TASK FULFILMENT MARK Syllabus 1123 Paper 12Band 1 (15–13 marks) †¢ Good understanding of purpose. †¢ Clear awareness of situation and audience. †¢ Format entirely appropriate. †¢ All required points developed in detail, fully amplified and well organised. †¢ Given information well used to justify person al opinion and interpretation. †¢ Tone and register entirely appropriate. Band 2 (12–10 marks) †¢ An understanding of purpose. †¢ An awareness of situation and audience. †¢ Format appropriate. †¢ All required points addressed but not always developed in detail. †¢ Given information organised to support personal opinion. Tone and register appropriate. Band 3 (9–7 marks) †¢ Some understanding of purpose. †¢ Some awareness of situation and audience. †¢ Format generally appropriate. †¢ At least two required points addressed (and partially/fully developed). †¢ Given information may not be logically used to support opinion. †¢ Tone usually appropriate, although there may be slips of register. Band 4 (6–4 marks) †¢ Only partial understanding of purpose. †¢ Some confusion as to situation and audience. †¢ Format may be inappropriate. †¢ At least one of the required points addressed (and parti ally/fully developed). Given information may be used irrelevantly. †¢ Tone may be uneven. Band 5 (3–1 marks) †¢ Misunderstanding of purpose. †¢ Confusion as to situation and audience. †¢ Little evidence of a specific format. †¢ None of the required points addressed. †¢ Given information misunderstood or irrelevant. †¢ Tone may be inappropriate. A mark of 0 should be given only when: †¢ the response is totally incomprehensible or †¢ the candidate has merely copied out the question or parts of it at random or †¢ the question is not attempted at all.  © University of Cambridge International Examinations 2012 Page 4Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version GCE O LEVEL – May/June 2012 SECTION 1 LANGUAGE MARK Syllabus 1123 Paper 12 Band 1 (15–14 marks) †¢ Highly accurate, apart from very occasional slips. †¢ Sentence structures varied for particular effects. †¢ Verb forms largely correct and appropriate te nses consistently used. †¢ Vocabulary wide and precise. †¢ Punctuation accurate and helpful. †¢ Spelling accurate, apart from very occasional slips. †¢ Paragraphs have unity, are linked, and show evidence of planning. Band 2 (13–12 marks) †¢ Accurate; occasional errors are either slips or caused by ambition. Sentence structures show some variation to create some natural fluency. †¢ Occasional slips in verb forms or tense formation, but sequence consistent and clear throughout. †¢ Vocabulary precise enough to convey intended shades of meaning. †¢ Punctuation accurate and generally helpful. †¢ Spelling nearly always accurate. †¢ Paragraphs have unity, are usually linked and show some evidence of planning. Band 3 (11–10 marks) †¢ Mostly accurate; errors from ambition do not mar clarity of communication. †¢ Some variety of sentence structures, but tendency to repeat sentence types may produce monotonous effect. Er rors may occur in irregular verb forms, but control of tense sequence sufficient to sustain clear progression of events or ideas. †¢ Simple vocabulary mainly correct; errors may occur with more ambitious words. †¢ Punctuation generally accurate and sentence separation correctly marked, but errors may occur e. g. with direct speech. †¢ Spelling of simple vocabulary accurate; some errors in more ambitious words. †¢ Paragraphs may show some unity, although links may be absent or inappropriate. Band 4 (9–8 marks) †¢ Sufficiently accurate to communicate meaning, with patches of clear, accurate language. Some variety of sentence length and structure, not always for particular purpose. †¢ Errors in verb forms and tense consistency may cause uncertainty in sequence of events or disturb ease of communication. †¢ Vocabulary usually adequate to convey intended meaning; idiom may be uncertain. †¢ Punctuation used but not always helpful; occasional sentence separation errors. †¢ Spelling of simple vocabulary accurate; errors in more difficult words. †¢ Paragraphs used but may lack unity or coherence. Band 5 (7–6 marks) †¢ Overall meaning never in doubt, but errors sufficiently frequent and serious to hamper precision and distract reader from content. Some simple structures accurate but unlikely to sustain accuracy for long. †¢ Errors in verb forms and tenses will sometimes confuse sequence of events. †¢ Vocabulary limited, either too simple or imperfectly understood; some idiomatic errors likely. †¢ Simple punctuation usually accurate, but there may be frequent sentence separation errors. †¢ Spelling of simple vocabulary accurate; frequent errors in more difficult words. †¢ Paragraphs used haphazardly.  © University of Cambridge International Examinations 2012 Page 5 Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version GCE O LEVEL – May/June 2012 Syllabus 1123 Paper 12Band 6 (5–4 marks) †¢ Many serious errors of various kinds of ‘single-word' type (i. e. they could be corrected without re-writing the sentence); communication established, although weight of error may cause some ‘blurring'. †¢ Sentences probably simple and repetitive in structure. †¢ Frequent errors in verb forms and haphazard changes of tense confuse meaning. †¢ Vocabulary conveys meaning but likely to be simple and imprecise; significant idiomatic errors †¢ Spelling may be inconsistent. †¢ Punctuation and paragraphing may be haphazard or non-existent. Band 7 (3–2 marks) †¢ Sense usually decipherable but some error will be ‘multiple' (i. . requiring the reader to re-read and re-organise); meaning may be partly hidden by density of linguistic error. †¢ Unlikely to be more than a few accurate sentences, however simple, in the whole essay. Band 8 (1–0 mark) †¢ Scripts almost entirely or entirely impossible to recognise as pieces of English writing; whole sections make no sense at all. †¢ Where occasional patches of relative clarity are evident, 1 mark should be given. †¢ The mark of 0 is reserved for scripts that make no sense at all from beginning to end.  © University of Cambridge International Examinations 2012 Page 6Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version GCE O LEVEL – May/June 2012 Syllabus 1123 Paper 12 Detailed Marking instructions for Section 2: Creative Writing 30 marks are allocated. The ‘best fit' prindple is applied, as in the following table. N. B. Primary emphasis is on quality of Language; comments on Content used to adjust mark within Band. SECTION 2 MARK Band 1 (30–27 marks) †¢ Highly accurate, apart from very occasional slips. †¢ Sentence structure varied for particular effects. †¢ Verb forms largely correct and appropriate tenses consistently used. †¢ Vocabulary wide and precise. †¢ Punctuation accurate and helpful. Spellin g accurate apart from very occasional slips. †¢ Paragraphs have unity, are linked, and show evidence of planning. Consistently relevant. Interest aroused and sustained. Tone and register entirely appropriate. Discursive essays are well developed, logical, even complex, in argument. Descriptive essays have well-developed images helping to create complex atmospheres. Narratives are complex, sophisticated, possibly tense, and may contain devices such as flashbacks. Band 2 (26–23 marks) †¢ Accurate; occasional errors are either slips or caused by ambition. †¢ Sentence structures show some variation to create some natural fluency. Occasional slips in verb forms or tense formation but sequence consistent and clear throughout. †¢ Vocabulary wide and precise enough to convey intended shades of meaning. †¢ Punctuation accurate and generally helpful. †¢ Spelling nearly always accurate. †¢ Paragraphs have unity, are usually linked and show some evidenc e of planning. Relevant. Interest aroused and mostly sustained. Tone and register appropriate. Discursive essays have clearly-defined, cohesive, logical stages in their argument. Descriptive essays have interesting images and range of detail, helping to create effective atmospheres.Narratives have effective detail creating character or setting, and may contain some sense of climax.  © University of Cambridge International Examinations 2012 Page 7 Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version GCE O LEVEL – May/June 2012 Syllabus 1123 Paper 12 Band 3 (22–19 marks) †¢ Mostly accurate; errors from ambition do not mar clarity of communication. †¢ Some variety of sentence structures, but tendency to repeat sentence types may produce monotonous effect. †¢ Errors may occur in irregular verb forms, but control of tense sequence sufficient to sustain clear progression of events or ideas. Simple vocabulary mainly correct; errors may occur with more ambitious words. †¢ Punctuation generally accurate and sentence separation correctly marked, but errors may occur e. g. with direct speech. †¢ Spelling of simple vocabulary accurate; some errors in more ambitious words. †¢ Paragraphs may show some unity, although links may be absent or inappropriate. Relevant. Some interest aroused, although there may some lack of originality and/or planning. Tone usually appropriate, although there may be slips of register. Discursive essays make a series of relevant points, with some being developed; linking of ideas may be insecure.Descriptive essays have satisfactory images, ideas and details which help to create atmosphere. Narratives are straightforward with proper sequencing of sentences. Band 4 (18–15 marks) Sufficiently accurate to communicate meaning, with patches of clear, accurate language. Some variety of sentence length and structure, not always for particular purpose. †¢ Errors in verb forms and tense consistency may cause uncert ainty in sequence of events or disturb ease of communication. Vocabulary usually adequate to convey intended meaning; idiom may be uncertain.Punctuation used but not always helpful; occasional sentence separation errors. †¢ Spelling of simple vocabulary accurate; errors in more difficult words. †¢ Paragraphs used but may lack unity or coherence. Attempt to address topic but there may be digressions or failures of logic. May lack liveliness and interest. Tone may be uneven. Discursive essays have mainly relevant points but may be only partially developed, with some repetition. Descriptive essays have some detail but may rely too much on narrative. Narratives are largely a series of events with only occasional details of character and setting.Band 5 (14–11 marks) †¢ Overall meaning never in doubt, but errors sufficiently frequent and serious to hamper precision and distract reader from content. †¢ Some simple sentence structures accurate but unlikely to sust ain accuracy for long. †¢ Errors in verb forms and tenses will sometimes confuse sequence of events. †¢ Vocabulary limited, either too simple or imperfectly understood; some idiomatic errors likely. †¢ Simple punctuation usually accurate, but there may be frequent sentence separation errors. †¢ Spelling of simple vocabulary accurate, frequent errors in more difficult words. †¢ Paragraphs used haphazardly. Some relevance.Some interest. Tone may be inconsistent. Discursive essays make a few points but development is simple and not always logical; some obvious repetition of ideas. Descriptive essays are relevant but lack scope or variety. Narratives are simple, everyday or immature.  © University of Cambridge International Examinations 2012 Page 8 Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version GCE O LEVEL – May/June 2012 Syllabus 1123 Paper 12 Band 6 (10–7 marks) †¢ Many serious errors of various kinds of ‘single-word' type (i. e. they could b e corrected without re-writing the sentence); communication established, although weight of error may cause some ‘blurring'. Sentences probably simple and repetitive in structure. †¢ Frequent errors in verb forms and haphazard changes of tense confuse meaning. †¢ Vocabulary conveys meaning but likely to be simple and imprecise; significant idiomatic errors. †¢ Spelling may be inconsistent. †¢ Punctuation and paragraphing may be haphazard or non-existent. A little relevance. A little interest. Some recognition of appropriate tone. In Discursive essays only a few points are discernable and the argument progresses only here and there. In Descriptive essays the overall picture is unclear.Narratives are very simple and may narrate events indiscriminately. Band 7 (6–3 marks) †¢ Sense usually decipherable but some error will be ‘multiple' (i. e. requiring the reader to reread and re-organise); meaning may be partly hidden by density of linguistic error. †¢ Unlikely to be more than a few accurate sentences, however simple, in the whole essay. Little relevance or interest. Tone may be inappropriate. In Discursive essays only a very few points are discernable and the argument barely progresses. In Descriptive essays the overall picture is very unclear.Narratives are extremely simple and may narrate events indiscriminately. Band 8 (2–0 marks) †¢ Scripts almost entirely or entirely impossible to recognise as pieces of English writing; whole sections make no sense at all. †¢ Where occasional patches of relative clarity are evident, 2 or 1 mark(s) should be given. †¢ The mark of 0 is reserved for scripts that make no sense at all from beginning to end. Discursive essays are rarely relevant and may well be disordered, as are Descriptive essays and Narratives.  © University of Cambridge International Examinations 2012

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Theory of Obligation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Theory of Obligation - Essay Example The religious obligations prohibit the individuals from committing sins i.e. lying, cheating, adultery, fornication, drinking and disobeying the parents, teachers, and elders at large. Similarly cultural obligations demand for observing the norms, values and traditions, prevailing in the social establishment. Consequently, theory of obligation encompasses all aspects of individual and collective human life in order to make society a peaceful place of living. Great philosopher of ancient Greece Aristotle has presented his Theory of Virtue where he submits to state that the source of all kinds of virtue and goodness is one and the same (Nicomachean Ethics, 1096a30). The notion is universally followed by the thinkers and philosophers by taking it the scale to measure the magnitude of good and positive behaviour of the people and its association with their overall attitude while entering into interaction with others. Aristotle’s mentor Plato has presented the doctrine that Almight y God is the source of all goodness and energy, from Whom all goodness arrives to illuminate the universe. Aristotelian proposition is based upon his famous doctrine of the soul, where body contains the soul, it must possess the qualities attributed to the soul. However, body is frequently stated as materialistic and unholy one in comparison to the soul, which is pure and clean. In other words, goodness of soul can be witnessed through the performances being made by the human body containing the attributes of the soul existing into the body. PART II Keeping in view the Obligation Theory as well as Aristotelian doctrine of Virtue, I will strictly observe kindness, benevolence, meekness, humility, truthfulness, equality and justice while interacting with other members of society. I will stick to these noble principles in my individual and social life. I will pay due heed to my studies, and would strive my best to obtain excellent marks in examination. Hence, I will not deceive my pare nts and teachers, who are making investment of time, and energies on my educational career. I will attend the church on every Sunday in order to pay my humblest gratitude to my Creator for His countless mercies and bounties upon me. I will try to follow the noble teachings manifestly mentioned in the Holy Scripture, which commands me to worship One God, obey my parents, be humble in prayers, respect the elders, love to the younger, exhibit honesty and integrity in transactions, to help the needy, care the neighbours, be polite to others, and refrain from adultery, fornication, lying, deceiving and breaking the Covenant to the Lord (Leviticus, 19). I will be loyal to my peers in the playground, and sincere to my organisation while entering the professional life. I will try my best to work for the good name and fame of my work place. While elaborating my political views, I will vote and support the most suitable, honest and committed candidate, and hence will never take his racial, et hnic and religious background altogether. I will visit community centres and hospitals at least once in fortnight in order to witness the problems faced by the people belonging to my community. I will spend some money on charitable issues, to provide financial and moral support to the downtrodden and needy.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

How globalization benefits America's economy Essay

How globalization benefits America's economy - Essay Example The recent advancement in Asian economy is really transforming the world and the notion that globalization only makes the rich richer and the poor poorer is disputable according to Wolf. He supports international economic integration as the reason behind success of many countries. However, Wolf says that different countries success is not attributed to full adoption of the neo liberal policies rather by instituting their own policies intended to enter market economy. He further argues that growth weighting distribution amongst nations by population shows that the most important things is the people but not countries themselves thus making it important only to consider income distribution alone. Inequality changes amongst world individuals are contributed by changes in the relative wealth of countries such that if the performance is low, the decline in inequality also changes. However, it should be noted that most countries have not fully benefited from globalization especially in Afr ica, Asia and Latin America countries (Wolf, 2004). The rapid growth of economies brought about by globalization has immensely reduced the level of poverty especially in east of Asia but went up in Eastern Europe, central Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. There was also general increase of life expectancy in developing countries though the growth was challenged by the AIDS epidemic and malaria. Moreover, globalization has reduced infant mortality and boosted literacy level in developing countries and the world as a whole. There has also been recommendable increase in food production thus lowering undernourishment issues globally. Finally, Wolf has noted that child labor has tremendously reduced because most parents have opted to taking their children to school (Wolf, 2004). Concepts Central to the Argument One of the most important arguments that has dominated the text is that globalization has negatively affected economies of most countries. This is very wrong and I really concur with W olf that globalization has instead boosted the economy of a good number of countries especially in Asia. The author has noted India and China as some of the beneficiaries of globalization. However, their success is attributed to the policies of individual countries towards globalization (Wolf, 2004). Countries have worked hard by adopting policies that can see them succeed in the wider market that has been brought about by globalization. The effect of globalization is therefore very intense and has positively developed most of the world economies especially countries that were once considered poor. Living standards and income per capita has greatly increased in most of the countries that took advantage of globalization. Nevertheless, some countries have not experienced the benefits of globalization because they have not changed their policies to properly fit in the international market (Wolf, 2004). Moreover, criteria used in measuring economic progress by World Bank are clearly uns atisfactory. The method of measuring economic progress and income per capita as used by world ban is not the best. Wolf argued that population of a country does not reflect failure or difficulty in economic progress by highlighting India and China which are the most populated countries yet making positive economic progress. Average incomes of the world cannot be weighted by population and accurate results be found (Wolf, 2004). This is because even amongst the less and densely

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Intervention plan for diabetic patients Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Intervention plan for diabetic patients - Essay Example Nutrition is the most important factor for diabetic patients because it impacts directly on the blood glucose levels. As an intervention plan for the diabetic patients, it comes with restriction on the kinds of foods the patients should take based on their glycemic index and nutrient content (Ross, Boucher, O’Connell, American Diabetic Association, 2005). Diabetic patients need to be enrolled on a healthy diet that prevents an occurrence of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. A diabetic diet entails healthy eating in which all nutrients are available to the patients with minimal fats and added sugar. Diabetic patients should consume carbohydrates that exhibit high fiber content in concert with slow sugar release. Being directly responsible for the blood sugar level, the quality of carbohydrates is essential to consider for the patients. It is necessary to limit intake of highly refined carbohydrates, for instance, bread and pasta because they increase the blood sugar level at an accelerated speed. Complex carbohydrates have lower glycemic index hence increasing the blood sugar level at a slower rate. Blood glucose, therefore, remains moderate. Examples of high fiber carbohydrates suitable for diabetic patients are brown rice, steel cut oats, and peas. Adopting a healthy diabetic diet does not translate to the total elimination of sugary foods from the diet. Patients have to moderate the intake to ensure the amounts taken do not cause hyperglycemia. Patients need to limit the amount of hidden sugar they take in packaged and fast foods. In regulating carbohydrate intake, limiting soft drinks and processed food intake is essential. Choosing what to eat for the diabetic patients extends to the fat intake (Ross et al., 2005). It is important for the patients to consider the kind of fats they take because it has bearing on the diabetic status. Saturated and Trans fats constitute unhealthy fats for diabetic patients. Saturated fats come from animal products like